zacharytamas / atom-django

Build Django apps faster with Atom.
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Unifying Atom packages for Django #6

Open taylon opened 9 years ago

taylon commented 9 years ago

Hey guys @zacharytamas @benjohnson @jpells @gilsondev,

Currently we have 4 different Atom packages for Django and all of them are very similiar. Why we don't merge them all into one package? The idea would be to join the effort to create a single package that is really good and includes all the nice features from each package. It would be easier to Atom users to pick the best package and we would be able to have full Django support from only one package.

@zacharytamas package is currently the most downloaded one, also atom-django seems the most appropriated name in my opinion, so I think it would make sense to merge everything into his package.

We could have one package with:

I would be happy to make the pull requests to accomplish this. Then we should mention all you guys as contributors in the README and point to this package in the other's README.

What you guys think?

zacharytamas commented 9 years ago

Hey @taylon, sorry I just noticed this! Been busy at work and have neglected my Github account.

I'm in favor of the idea. A unified package would definitely help with confusion around which package you should use.

benjohnson commented 9 years ago

I'm in. :smile_cat:

taylon commented 9 years ago

Awesome guys, I'll be pretty busy over the next two weeks but after that I'll start the pull requests =D

jpells commented 9 years ago

Hey sorry for the late response here! Please let me know if I should decommission my repo or however you feel this should be worked out properly to eliminate confusion.

zacharytamas commented 9 years ago

@taylon I've merged the first PR you sent, should I do a release bump now or do you want to do it all in one release?

Thanks again for heading this up!

zacharytamas commented 9 years ago

FYI, I did release this incrementally.

taylon commented 9 years ago

Awesome, it will take a while until we implement everything so I think it makes a lot of sense to release it incrementally =D

zacharytamas commented 9 years ago

Will there be conflicts in Atom if users have both packages installed? Meaning, atom-django and the package you're merging in? Should we mention in release notes that they should uninstall the other one?

taylon commented 9 years ago

After the release, user will receive an update notification for the package, so there is no need to uninstall it. If you mean the other existing Django packages, at least so far there is no need to uninstall either, as we implement more things that may become true so at that point we could mention something in the release notes/readme.

zacharytamas commented 9 years ago

Yeah I didn't figure people would have any problems updating this package but thought it might cause problems if they had both installed where you had essentially the same code in two different packages conflicting with each other. Duplicate snippets, for example.

taylon commented 9 years ago

Yeah, at this point it should not be a problem, and for the most part even though we are unifying the functionality the code will be different for the most part and the new implementations will be a huge improvement over any other Django package that we had before.

sudoforge commented 8 years ago

Are you guys still working on this, by chance? Or have you abandoned the project?

I'd like to help, or take over development of integrating support for Django to Atom.

taylon commented 8 years ago

Hey @bddenhartog I have not been able to dedicate time to work on this, I do intend to do it eventually but no ETA, so sure, any help would be awesome =D

sudoforge commented 8 years ago

@taylon @zacharytamas @benjohnson @jpells

Perhaps we could organize a Hangout chat (or similar) in order to get started on the same page.

jpells commented 8 years ago

I unfortunately am not using atom at the moment and have pointed people from my repo to both of the following repos: If it makes sense for me to delete my repo please let me know!

On Jan 15, 2016, at 5:02 PM, Benjamin Denhartog wrote:

@taylon @zacharytamas @benjohnson @jpells Perhaps we could organize a Hangout chat (or similar) in order to get started on the same page.

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zacharytamas commented 8 years ago

@bddenhartog You can email me at I haven't abandoned the project but I have been very busy and with my client work in the past 1.5 years I haven't actually been using Django at all and so haven't been using this package on a day to day basis.

intrepidocabral commented 6 years ago

Hi guys!

It just for register here: there is other new interesting initiative becoming.