zacharyweston / codelab-js-objects
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Code Lab Feedback #1

Open zacharyweston opened 8 years ago

zacharyweston commented 8 years ago

Hey @chrisvfritz, can you take a look at this? It's hosted here and meets the following project criteria:

chrisvfritz commented 8 years ago

Looks good. Everything works, which is the most important thing. :smiley: I always like to find some room for improvement though, so here it is:

Simplifying if statements

Some of the comparisons we're making are a bit brain-bending. Take this for example:

!clickedElement.checked === false

Translated into English, that reads as Is it true that it is false that clickedElement is not checked? It takes my mind a moment to figure out what's going on there. :stuck_out_tongue: When we break it down, what that is really asking is, Is clickedElement checked?. So that can be rewritten as simply:


Similarly, whenever you have === true, like this:

!clickedElement.checked === true

Then you can always leave off the === true and simply write:


But! It gets even better than this. Let's take a look at that code in its greater context:

if (clickedElement.className === 'checkbox' && !clickedElement.checked === false) {
  todos[indexNumber].isComplete = true;
if (clickedElement.className === 'checkbox' && !clickedElement.checked === true) {
  todos[indexNumber].isComplete = false;

We're checking if the className of the clickedElement is 'checkbox' twice, which isn't really necessary, so let's instead start with:

if (clickedElement.className === 'checkbox') {
  // ...

Then adding our simplified if statement:

if (clickedElement.className === 'checkbox') {
  if (clickedElement.checked) {
    todos[indexNumber].isComplete = true
  if (!clickedElement.checked) {
    todos[indexNumber].isComplete = false

And now we can see that we're checking if something is true, then if it is, doing one thing. Then we check if it's not true, and if it is, then we do another thing. That's a classic case for an if-else:

if (clickedElement.className === 'checkbox') {
  if (clickedElement.checked) {
    todos[indexNumber].isComplete = true
  } else {
    todos[indexNumber].isComplete = false

But you know what? It gets even better than this. Let's take a closer look at what we're doing. We're setting todos[indexNumber].isComplete to either true or false, depending on whether clickedElement.checked is true or false, respectively. That means what we really want is just this:

if (clickedElement.className === 'checkbox') {
  todos[indexNumber].isComplete = clickedElement.checked

Much easier to wrap your mind around, eh? :smile:

Consistent indentation

I know I bring this up a lot, but it really makes code so much easier to read, especially weeks later or when someone who didn't write the code is looking at it. :wink: Humans are pattern-matching machines and when we notice a pattern, then a deviation from that pattern, it really stands out and becomes distracting - especially the more you write code.

A few examples of inconsistent indentation:

Consistent use of variables

I noticed you assigned clickedElement.dataset.index to clickedIndex so that you could reuse it, which is fantastic! :tada: But... you didn't use it everywhere. Let's fix that. Reusing that value you save in the variable makes your program faster and easier to read.

Any other questions?

Was there anything else you wanted to ask about regarding this lesson or JavaScript objects in general? Anything you're still confused about?

zacharyweston commented 8 years ago

No, it makes sense. I might talk through the logic with you on Monday, but overall the division of the code into Global State/Elements/Events makes intuitive sense. I updated the code to use var indexNumber in the one other location with clickedElement.dataset.index. The indentation is fixed as well. New code has been pushed, and the new URL is

chrisvfritz commented 8 years ago

Looks great! :shipit: