zachatrocity / netoaster

A .net WPF toaster library for very simple and slightly customizable toaster notifications
MIT License
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Clarification: does it support stacked notifications? #4

Closed BrainCrumbz closed 8 years ago

BrainCrumbz commented 8 years ago

Hello there

thanks for sharing your work in the open.

Me and my team could not figure out the following: does this library allow for showing notification stacked (for example) one on top of the other, when they are produced faster than they fade? Something similar to how this other library behaves.


zachatrocity commented 8 years ago

Not currently no. Sadly I've lost my visual studio license since I graduated so I've been unable to do work on this library. I'm active on github though so I'm still open to pull requests!

BrainCrumbz commented 8 years ago

Just in case, have you tried working with VS Community edition? That is free and it let you go quite far in development...

zachatrocity commented 8 years ago

Hmm No I haven't, I thought it was strictly web development. Looks like it'll work for what I need. I'll download it and update this library.

BrainCrumbz commented 8 years ago

Yep, it totally works for WPF apps, ASP.NET / Core web, and of course all the rest (ClassLib, Console, ...). You miss a number of advanced features like load/stress test, but it can go a long way. Good!

zachatrocity commented 8 years ago

Cool stuff, I'll close this issue once I've implemented stacked notifications.

BrainCrumbz commented 8 years ago

If you feel like, you could share ideas on how to design & develop the stacking feature. Maybe our team can lend a hand if we manage to get into source code & have an understanding about it. Just our 2c!

zachatrocity commented 8 years ago

That would be great. I haven't been able to put to much time into this other than creating the feature branch.

I was thinking I would add a Guid and DateTime to each toast. In the ToastSupport.cs I would have an Array/List of toasts and add to it every time a toast is fired. Then likely in the GetAnimation function I would check the Array/List and update the new animation position based on the amount of toasts in the array.

This could probably be implemented in a better way so if you or one of your team has an idea tell them to run with it!

BrainCrumbz commented 8 years ago

Hi there. Just to not leave this totally hanging:

we just noticed that preferred approach in using this library is through code-behind. We're actually going for a stronger MVVM approach, actually a view-model first one, with Caliburn.Micro so that type of usage does not seem to fit for us. That's why I'm not sure we can take advantage of this library.

zachatrocity commented 8 years ago

Okay sounds good. I made this Library for a very specific project I was working on in my company and it break MVVM. No worries.