zachcheatham / ha-omada

Home Assistant TP-Link Omada Integration
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Verify SSL - Can't verify SSL error (Omada v5.0.30) #21

Open baylanger opened 2 years ago

baylanger commented 2 years ago


Yesterday I installed Omada v5.0.30 using my private certificates. That works great.

Today I added this add-on but ran into 1 issue. If I enable "Verify SSL" , it complains that my certificate is invalid. Firefox, Safari are all happy with my cert. I am not sure how to troubleshot this one for you and where to get logs. Please let me know how I could help so this can get fixed.

[edit] fyi the installation works w/ "verify ssl" disable but I'd rather have SSL validation into place.

Thank you for providing this add-on.