zachcheatham / ha-omada

Home Assistant TP-Link Omada Integration
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Controls and Sensors #61

Closed liveware-problems closed 1 year ago

liveware-problems commented 1 year ago

Can't believe I've only just found this custom integration, after the official integration was released too! Oh well....

Should there be controls and sensors created by default when installing this integration? I see the 6 x devices I have connected to my Omada Controller, and a lot of device_trackers for LAN and WiFi connected devices, but I don't see any controls for WLAN to block clients etc., nor any bandwidth sensors.

I do see bandwidth as attributes of APs and switches, but should sensors also be created?

Many thanks! ScottW

zachcheatham commented 1 year ago

They aren't enabled by default and are only available in the latest beta. You can enable them under the integration configuration.

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liveware-problems commented 1 year ago

I downloaded the non-Beta release first, didn't see those features, so went back and thought I downloaded the latest beta and still didn't see them, only the SSIDs option in Configure, hence I raised the issue.

After your reply, I checked back in HACS and it was still v0.3 that was installed! Have now pulled the latest 0.4 beta and I see those features :)

many thanks!