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Home Assistant TP-Link Omada Integration
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TX and RX Activity of Router and Switch is always 0 #77

Open natellu opened 11 months ago

natellu commented 11 months ago


title states the tx and rx of both a ER605 Router and a TL-SG2008P (8 Port) Switch are not beeing updated/read at all. I didnt found any errors in the logs. Anything else i can check/need to configure?

J4CE2 commented 8 months ago

Can confirm the same behavior with the ER7206.

j-loewen commented 7 months ago

Why is it that I can't see most of the values that are in the screenshot?

Screenshot 2023-12-05 225320

That's everything I see. My Router is an ER605 v2.0. The Controller is OC200, and the Access Points are EAP650 and EAP610. Do I need to change any settings for this?

jodewee commented 7 months ago

Same over here, ER7212PC

tensiondriven commented 5 months ago

In my case, I have an ER605 v1 w/ Omada OC200 controller, and a few AP's.

My 605 is named "Gateway" and I see the following:

I'm not able to find any metrics about bandwidth usage. (My AP's report something called "Bandwidth" in HA but it's a frequency band, not a bit-per-second.)

If I click on "Attributes" for a wireless client, I see something like this:

Source Router
Name D0-3F-27-5A-20-0F
Hostname WyzeCam
MAC d0:3f:27:5a:20:0f
Wireless true
Ssid Presence
Ap MAC 00:31:92:b5:4d:18
Ap name AP Barn
Channel 6
Radio 2.4gz
Wifi mode 11ng
Signal level 67
Rssi -63

I don't seem to have any Device or Entity matching "Router".

Firmware on the ER 605 v1 is up to date at 1.3.1 OC200 1.0 Controller is running 1.26.3 Build 20230906 Rel.36269

Controller version shows "5.12.9" with no updates available.

ER506 entity (device_tracker.gateway) shows these attributes:

Source Router
Type gateway
Model ER605 v1.0
Firmware 1.3.1 Build 20231207 Rel.61384
Status 14
Status category 1

At one point, I swear I had each port on the 605 visible as a separate entity. I expect this was when i was running the "official" (integrated) Omada integration. But even then, it didn't display bandiwdth.

Is this likely a limitation of the ER 605 v1's? Perhaps someone with a v2 could comment if they see gateway/router bandwidth? This is the only/most important data point for for me. (though i must say, all the device trackers are quite awesome too!)