zachcheatham / ha-omada

Home Assistant TP-Link Omada Integration
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only tracking available after installation #79

Open compumark opened 10 months ago

compumark commented 10 months ago

Hi guys,

I installed it via HACS and can only find the Tracking options to be available. image

I would be interested in the Router statistics like posted here:

How to get those? Thanks a lot.

jj-csg commented 10 months ago

Same here. Only entities are device_tracker and update entities. Clicking "Next" in the configure screen returns "Unknown error occurred". Logs show the following:

2023-09-06 13:31:24.252 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Unable to serialize to JSON. Bad data found at $.data_schema[0].default=<filter object at 0x7f2da36ad0>(<class 'filter'>

jodewee commented 10 months ago

Same over here, ER7212PC 3-in-1 router; only port connected/disconnected information, but no speeds or controls.

MusicMunkee commented 10 months ago

Same problem here

fplanque commented 5 months ago

When clicking "Weiter"/Next, there should be 2 additional pages of checkboxes to enable additional features. All these checkboxes are unchecked by default, so you really have to go there to check them (at least if that button works for you)