Closed iainmwallace closed 8 years ago
@zachcp, @timelyportfolio any suggestions on how to create a minimal shiny app?
How does one make the 'mol' that is created by the sketcher in the UI tags$script function available in the server.R file so that it can be used to create a smiles string?
tags$script(' document.getElementById("done").onclick = function() { var mol = sketcher.getMolecule(); var jsonmol = new; Shiny.onInputChange("moleculedata", jsonmol);};') )
Hi @iainmwallace ,
not that I thought I would be able to help you, but I tried to run the above script. I have succesfully build chemdoodle (and got the newest versions of rcdk(libs) packages) and e.g.
works (opens the sketcher). But when trying to load the above app I got:
Listening on
Warning in file(con, "r") :
file("") only supports open = "w+" and open = "w+b": using the former
Warning: Error in structure: object 'chemdoodleOutput' not found
Stack trace (innermost first):
44: structure
43: shiny::markRenderFunction
42: shinyRenderWidget
41: renderChemdoodle [/Users/hovorkat/Documents/Projects/chemdoodle/R/chemdoodle_viewer.R#113]
40: server [/Users/hovorkat/Documents/Projects/chemdoodle/app/server.R#6]
1: runApp
Error in structure(renderFunc, class = c("shiny.render.function", "function"), :
object 'chemdoodleOutput' not found
Any Idea what I am missing? thanks tomas
@TomasHovorka I get the same error. Not sure what the issue is as "chemdoodle_sketcherOutput" is in the chemdoodle_sketcher.R file
@timelyportfolio @zachcp Any ideas on how to fix this?
@iainmwallace @TomasHovorka
i've been swamped. I think i can set this up this weekend. thanks, zach cp
That would be great, thanks @zachcp
@iainmwallace @TomasHovorka
i put together a very minimal shiny example. to run it pull the latest and do:
shiny::runApp(appDir = "examples/minimalshinyapp/")
please let me know if there are any issues or if there are improvements you can think of.
i'm going to close this. if theres an issueon your end we can reopen.
Works great for me!
Direct publishing to rstudio connect.
Interestingly, the tag script retrieving the molecule from the sketcher has to be at near the end of the a generated html file
Would it be possible to get a minimal shiny app example with the new chemsketcher functionality? It is not clear to me how to migrate the gadget to a shiny app.
When I try the code below which I thought was the correct way I get a "ERROR: unused argument (all_files = FALSE)" error.
--ui.R--- library(shiny) library(chemdoodle)
chemdoodle_sketcherOutput("sketcher"), actionButton("done", "Go!") )
---server.R---- library(shiny) library(chemdoodle)
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$sketcher <-renderChemdoodle({ chemdoodle_sketcher(mol=NULL)} )