zachfitz / Ionic-Material

Material Design style and animations for Ionic
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Work with MeteorJS #103

Open rafaelcorreiapoli opened 9 years ago

rafaelcorreiapoli commented 9 years ago

Hello! i'm trying to use ionic-material with my MeterorJS projects, but Meteor does not use Angular. I just want to use ionic-material to stylize Meteoric (meteor package for ionic that does not use angular).The CSS works fine but I'm having troubles with the JS because it needs Angular How can I adapt that JS file to work with Meteor (No Angular) ?

guilhermedecampo commented 9 years ago

@shactdeveloper try to adapt ionic-material with meteor-ionic

rafaelcorreiapoli commented 9 years ago

@guilhermedecampo Então cara, foi isso que eu tentei. Os componentes do meteor-ionic são estilizados, porém não consigo fazer funcionar os efeitos (transition, ink) porque eles vem do ionic-material.js, e nesse js os efeitos são criados a partir de factories do angular que dps deveriam ser injetadas no controller... Mas como não to usando Angular, dá pau. Tinha que ter uma package de meteor que colocasse esses efeitos à disposição no jeito do Meeteor, sem angular

I tried, it does not work because it ionic-material needs angular to use js effects (like ink, etc)

babakness commented 9 years ago

There is a package by Uri which gives real Angular and Ionic with some caveats one needs to be aware of. Uri's repo has more details.