zachfitz / Ionic-Material

Material Design style and animations for Ionic
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Still active? #104

Closed babakness closed 9 years ago

babakness commented 9 years ago

With Ionic 2 being worked on that will break compatibility because of Angular 2 and no commit in almost a month--is this project still active? It's a great idea for sure.

itrethan commented 9 years ago

yeah? still active?

sclausen commented 9 years ago


mavrick commented 9 years ago

It's only been a month fellas, calm down

sclausen commented 9 years ago

@mavrick I, for myself am calm. Nobody has demanded anything, its a spare-time project and I think not just me, but the others too, respect that. A month in this sector is a really long time span and not very usual for projects in this rapid evolving sector. So asking for the status and not demanding anything is imho appropriate.

NgYueHong commented 9 years ago

Yeah, it is my first impression after seeing it's releases. It was extremely active during May. After that, "dead".

Is it still active?

JobaDiniz commented 9 years ago


TonyLuo commented 9 years ago


kreck commented 9 years ago


lsrur commented 9 years ago


NoellyB76 commented 9 years ago

I'd REALLY like to know myself! I've been advocating this everywhere.

sclausen commented 9 years ago

@delta98: Why did you remove your post about Seems like a nice alternative!

jjaybrown commented 9 years ago

I moved it to a separate issue so that it wouldn't appear in such bad taste. Thanks for the support, it's a shame this project has stalled and if I weren't in disagreement with the approach I'd of picked it up.

But do check out the project it's purpose is to be seamless and require you not to have to use bespoke directives, something I disliked about Ionic Material.

NgYueHong commented 9 years ago

@delta98 Happy to see another alternative. Will try with it soon. Hopefully the performance is good as current Ionic-Material performance is totally unacceptable on low end smartphone.

jjaybrown commented 9 years ago

Thanks. It's mainly CSS and utilises Google's Material Design Lite library so will be performant. I'm looking for people to test it to provide feedback for RC 1 release end of August.

Animations and transitions will be part of v1.1 once a stable release of CSS styles are available.

oscarmcm commented 9 years ago

Im working on it now :+1:

sclausen commented 9 years ago


abartolo commented 8 years ago

Any update whether this is till being worked on? I see a lot of issues open that i am facing.

sclausen commented 8 years ago

@abartolo last commit is from october 2015. I may go out on a limb with this, but this project seems dead.