zachfitz / Ionic-Material

Material Design style and animations for Ionic
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[OT] relationship between ionic material and ionic + ionic 2 support #140

Closed guykatz closed 9 years ago

guykatz commented 9 years ago

Hi; this is slightly off topic but its the only place I found I can ask questions. I am new to angular+ionic. I have decided to go with angular 2 and ionic 2 (both of which are in alpha stage but I am not in a hurry at all). I love material design and stumble upon this great project. my question is what is the relationship between ionic and ionic material, will there be an ionic material 2 (after ionic 2 come out) ? thanks in advance.

jjaybrown commented 9 years ago

This project hasn't had any recent activity since May. It's doubtful that any support for Ionic 2 will be available.

To answer your question, it's tightly coupled to ionic 1 components. So support for Ionic 2 would need to be developed as you said material 2.

I'd suggest this project here as a replacement for this one

brvier commented 9 years ago

That s not fair to promote your project this way, even if this project look like inactive.

jjaybrown commented 9 years ago

How so, I answered the question and provided an alternative.

brvier commented 9 years ago

Indeed, do not see any offense.

oscarmcm commented 9 years ago

@delta98 thanks, your project looks really nice. @guykatz Im working on the project now :)