zachfitz / Ionic-Material

Material Design style and animations for Ionic
2.9k stars 904 forks source link

Work as meteor package #164

Open jinchan-ck opened 8 years ago

jinchan-ck commented 8 years ago

Add package.js to describe how to use Ionic-Material for meteor and publish it to, so that people can use meteor add to add Ionic-Material easily.

The current Ionic-Material package is not official version and can not work well.

jboothe commented 8 years ago

+1 Here's Meteor's instructions for publishing packages to Atmosphere:

package.js file Template:

// package.js metadata file on the root directory of the project for Meteor.js
var packageName = 'PACKAGE_NAME';
var where = 'client'; // where to install: 'client' or 'server'. For both, pass nothing.
var version = 'PACKAGE_VERSION';
var summary = 'PACKAGE_SUMMARY';
var gitLink = 'GIT_LINK';
var documentationFile = '';

// Meta-data
  name: packageName,
  version: version,
  summary: summary,
  git: gitLink,
  documentation: documentationFile

Package.onUse(function(api) {
  api.versionsFrom(['METEOR@0.9.0', 'METEOR@1.2']); // Meteor versions

  api.use('DEPENDENCY_NAME', where); // Dependencies

  api.addFiles('FILE_NAME', where); // Files in use