zachfitz / Ionic-Material

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ion-md-input is not working perfectly in ionic-material project #172

Open rig1 opened 8 years ago

rig1 commented 8 years ago

I am using ion-md-input for two input fields email and password in an ionic-material project. when i click on the input field the placeholder will popup in the top that is fine.but when i click gain on the input field it comes bottom and i can't read anything what i had typed.i want the placeholder to be locked on the top. Any help will be greatly Appreciated.

Paul-Lo commented 8 years ago

go to here to get the latest ion-md-input.js and css and replace the them in the Thronester Demo. Then it worked.

the Thronester Demo in this site use the old ion-md-input.

vedsingh-fullstack commented 7 years ago is not working. Could you please provide the correct link for latest md input js?