zachfitz / Ionic-Material

Material Design style and animations for Ionic
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issues running the ionic-material demo on android device #188

Open patrickmar opened 8 years ago

patrickmar commented 8 years ago

i was able to successfully run the demo on chrome browser, and i must say the graphics was lovely, but after building an android apk and installing on device, the app only functions on the login page as well as profile page other links were non responsive i also observed that the plugin folder was empty await your response, Nice work you guys did still

Marvelxy commented 8 years ago

Well, the demo app works perfectly well for me, I even use it to bootstrap my apps these days. Try downloading ionic material master over again, navigate to the demo folder, add android and do "ionic run android".

Marvelxy commented 8 years ago

Make sure you connect your device to you PC via USB before doing "ionic run android"

patrickmar commented 8 years ago

i'll do as you say and get you feedback thanks for the prompt response

Marvelxy commented 8 years ago

You're welcome. Hope you got the demo running on Android now?