zachfitz / Ionic-Material

Material Design style and animations for Ionic
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Supporting Ionic 2 #219

Open RezaRahmati opened 7 years ago

RezaRahmati commented 7 years ago

Your work and animations are AWESOME,

Is there any road map to support Ionic 2 and bringing your beautiful animations in Ionic 2?

neerajjain92 commented 7 years ago

Waiting for it's Integration with Ionic2 for so long

hypery2k commented 7 years ago

@zachfitz any plans yet?

Tersken commented 7 years ago

Looks like the contributor abandoned the project?

nekrodomus commented 7 years ago

Any news about integration with ionic 2?

PavelValentov commented 7 years ago


dronezzzko commented 7 years ago

The repository is dead.

sajjadalis commented 7 years ago

Its really sad to see there is no update. Is there any other material extension for ionic?

sajjadalis commented 7 years ago

And the good news is that Ionic 2 have built-in support for material design.