zachjs / sv2v

SystemVerilog to Verilog conversion
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Unexpected interface mismatch error when using "modport" #258

Closed YikeZhou closed 7 months ago

YikeZhou commented 8 months ago

I'm uncertain if I'm using "modport" incorrectly or if sv2v has extra limitations on its usage.

interface SimpleInterface;
  logic [15:0] a, b;
  modport oa_ib (output a, input b);
  modport ia_ob (input a, output b);

module top;
  logic [15:0] mid_a;
  SimpleInterface interface1();
  mid m(interface1, mid_a);

module mid (SimpleInterface.ia_ob mid_int, output logic [15:0] mid_o);
  bottom b(mid_int);
  assign mid_int.b = 16'hdead;
  assign mid_o = mid_int.a;

module bottom (SimpleInterface.oa_ib bottom_int);
  assign bottom_int.a = 16'hbeef;

I assume it describes a circuit like this: image

I simulate it with ModelSim. It compiles and works like this: image

However, sv2v would reject this.

sv2v: port bottom_int has type SimpleInterface.oa_ib, but the binding top.interface1.ia_ob has type SimpleInterface.ia_ob, within scope top.m (use -v to get approximate source location)
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Convert/Scoper.hs:376:22 in main:Convert.Scoper

I looked into 25.5 Modports in IEEE 1800-2017 and found that:

If a port connection specifies a modport list name in both the module instance and module header declaration, then the two modport list names shall be identical.

Does it mean this example is legal SystemVerilog since there is no conflict between bottom b(mid_int) and module bottom (SimpleInterface.oa_ib bottom_int);? Could there be additional restrictions when using "modport" that I mistakenly ignored?

zachjs commented 8 months ago

Per the spec referenced, "the two modport list names shall be identical". In this case, the module header uses the modport list name oa_ib, while the module instance b implicitly uses the modport list name ia_ob, as instances of module mid are restricted to that view of the interface. Admittedly, I think the spec is ambiguous here. However, of the 4 commercial simulators on, 2 generate an error, and 1 generates a warning, so sv2v's behavior is in the majority.

This test case can be fixed by changing the module header to:

module mid (SimpleInterface mid_int, output logic [15:0] mid_o);
zachjs commented 7 months ago

I see your +1 above, so I assume you agree with sv2v's behavior here. Please feel free to reopen if necessary.