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SystemVerilog to Verilog conversion
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Automatic Function Produces Construct with Infinite Loop in Yosys #275

Open wrs225 opened 5 months ago

wrs225 commented 5 months ago

I have the following design:

module fp_addsub (
    input logic [31:0] a,
    input logic [31:0] b,
    input logic subtract,
    output logic [31:0] y
    logic [31:0] b_neg;
    logic a_sign, b_sign;
    logic [7:0] a_exp, b_exp;
    logic [23:0] a_frac, b_frac;  // Increase fraction size to 24 bits
    logic y_sign;
    logic [7:0] y_exp;
    logic [23:0] y_frac;  // Increase fraction size to 24 bits
    logic [47:0] y_frac_intermediate;  // Intermediate fraction for normalization extended to 48 bits
    logic [7:0] y_exp_intermediate;  // Intermediate exponent for normalization
    logic [5:0] shift_amount;  // Shift amount from priority encoder

    // Negate b if subtract is high
    assign b_neg = subtract ? {b[31]^1'b1, b[30:0]} : b;

    // Priority encoder to find the leading one
    function automatic [5:0] priority_encoder;
        input [47:0] in;
        integer i;
        priority_encoder = 6'b000000; // Default value
        for (i = 47; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin
            if (in[i]) begin
                priority_encoder = 23 - i;
                i = -1; // Break the loop by setting i to an invalid value

    // Add or subtract
    always_comb begin
        // Extract fields
        a_sign     = a[31];
        b_sign     = b_neg[31];
        a_exp = a[30:23];
        b_exp = b_neg[30:23];
        a_frac = {1'b1, a[22:0]};  // Add implicit leading 1
        b_frac = {1'b1, b_neg[22:0]};  // Add implicit leading 1

        // Perform addition or subtraction
        if (a_exp > b_exp) begin
            y_exp_intermediate = a_exp;
            if (b_sign ^ a_sign) begin
                y_frac_intermediate = a_frac - (b_frac >> (a_exp - b_exp));  // Corrected shift amount
            end else begin
                y_frac_intermediate = a_frac + (b_frac >> (a_exp - b_exp));  // Corrected shift amount
            y_sign = a_sign;
        end else if (a_exp < b_exp) begin
            y_exp_intermediate = b_exp;
            if (b_sign ^ a_sign) begin
                y_frac_intermediate = b_frac - (a_frac >> (b_exp - a_exp));  // Corrected shift amount
            end else begin
                y_frac_intermediate = (a_frac >> (b_exp - a_exp)) + b_frac;  // Corrected shift amount
            y_sign = b_sign;
        end else begin
            y_exp_intermediate = a_exp;
            if (a_frac >= b_frac) begin
                if (b_sign ^ a_sign) begin
                    y_frac_intermediate = a_frac - b_frac;  // No shift when exponents are equal
                end else begin
                    y_frac_intermediate = a_frac + b_frac;  // No shift when exponents are equal
                y_sign = a_sign;
            end else begin
                if (b_sign ^ a_sign) begin
                    y_frac_intermediate = b_frac - a_frac;  // No shift when exponents are equal
                end else begin
                    y_frac_intermediate = b_frac + a_frac;  // No shift when exponents are equal
                y_sign = b_sign;

        // Normalize result using priority encoder
        if (a == 32'b0 && b == 32'b0) begin
            shift_amount = 6'b000000;  // No shift if both inputs are zero
        end else begin
            shift_amount = y_frac_intermediate[47] ? 6'b000000 : priority_encoder(y_frac_intermediate);

        // Shift fraction and adjust exponent
        if (shift_amount[5]) begin  // If the most significant bit is 1, shift_amount is negative
            y_frac = y_frac_intermediate >> -shift_amount;  // Right shift
        end else begin
            y_frac = y_frac_intermediate << shift_amount;  // Left shift
        y_exp = y_exp_intermediate - {{2{shift_amount[5]}}, shift_amount};  // Sign extend shift_amount and subtract from y_exp_intermediate


    // Check for infinity and pack fields into output
    always_comb begin
        // Check if either input is infinity
        if ((a[30:23] == 8'hFF && a[22:0] == 23'b0) && (b_neg[30:23] == 8'hFF && b_neg[22:0] == 23'b0)) begin
            // If both inputs are infinity and the operation is subtraction, the output is NaN
            if (subtract && (a_sign ^ b_sign)) begin
                y = {1'b0, 8'hFF, 23'h400000};
            end else if (a_sign ^ b_sign) begin
                y = {a_sign, 8'hFF, 23'b0};
            end else begin
                y = {y_sign, y_exp, y_frac[22:0]};  // Only take the lower 23 bits of the fraction
        end else if ((a[30:23] == 8'hFF && a[22:0] == 23'b0) || (b_neg[30:23] == 8'hFF && b_neg[22:0] == 23'b0)) begin
            // If either input is infinity (but not both), set the output to infinity as well
            y = {a_sign | b_sign, 8'hFF, 23'b0};
        end else if (y_frac_intermediate == 48'b0) begin
            y = 32'b0;
        end else begin
            // If neither input is infinity and the output is not zero, perform regular assignment
            y = {y_sign, y_exp, y_frac[22:0]};  // Only take the lower 23 bits of the fraction

When pushing the design through sv2v, the priority encoder gets converted into this:

module fp_addsub (
    input wire [31:0] a;
    input wire [31:0] b;
    input wire subtract;
    output reg [31:0] y;
    wire [31:0] b_neg;
    reg a_sign;
    reg b_sign;
    reg [7:0] a_exp;
    reg [7:0] b_exp;
    reg [23:0] a_frac;
    reg [23:0] b_frac;
    reg y_sign;
    reg [7:0] y_exp;
    reg [23:0] y_frac;
    reg [47:0] y_frac_intermediate;
    reg [7:0] y_exp_intermediate;
    reg [5:0] shift_amount;
    assign b_neg = (subtract ? {b[31] ^ 1'b1, b[30:0]} : b);
    function automatic [5:0] priority_encoder;
        input [47:0] in;
        integer i;
        reg [0:1] _sv2v_jump;
            _sv2v_jump = 2'b00;
            begin : sv2v_autoblock_1
                integer _sv2v_value_on_break;
                for (i = 47; i >= 0; i = i - 1)
                    if (_sv2v_jump < 2'b10) begin
                        _sv2v_jump = 2'b00;
                        if (in[i]) begin
                            priority_encoder = 23 - i;
                            _sv2v_jump = 2'b11;
                        _sv2v_value_on_break = i;
                if (!(_sv2v_jump < 2'b10))
                    i = _sv2v_value_on_break;
                if (_sv2v_jump != 2'b11)
                    _sv2v_jump = 2'b00;
            if (_sv2v_jump == 2'b00) begin
                priority_encoder = 6'b000000;
                _sv2v_jump = 2'b11;
    always @(*) begin
        a_sign = a[31];
        b_sign = b_neg[31];
        a_exp = a[30:23];
        b_exp = b_neg[30:23];
        a_frac = {1'b1, a[22:0]};
        b_frac = {1'b1, b_neg[22:0]};
        if (a_exp > b_exp) begin
            y_exp_intermediate = a_exp;
            if (b_sign ^ a_sign)
                y_frac_intermediate = a_frac - (b_frac >> (a_exp - b_exp));
                y_frac_intermediate = a_frac + (b_frac >> (a_exp - b_exp));
            y_sign = a_sign;
        else if (a_exp < b_exp) begin
            y_exp_intermediate = b_exp;
            if (b_sign ^ a_sign)
                y_frac_intermediate = b_frac - (a_frac >> (b_exp - a_exp));
                y_frac_intermediate = (a_frac >> (b_exp - a_exp)) + b_frac;
            y_sign = b_sign;
        else begin
            y_exp_intermediate = a_exp;
            if (a_frac >= b_frac) begin
                if (b_sign ^ a_sign)
                    y_frac_intermediate = a_frac - b_frac;
                    y_frac_intermediate = a_frac + b_frac;
                y_sign = a_sign;
            else begin
                if (b_sign ^ a_sign)
                    y_frac_intermediate = b_frac - a_frac;
                    y_frac_intermediate = b_frac + a_frac;
                y_sign = b_sign;
        if ((a == 32'b00000000000000000000000000000000) && (b == 32'b00000000000000000000000000000000))
            shift_amount = 6'b000000;
            shift_amount = (y_frac_intermediate[47] ? 6'b000000 : priority_encoder(y_frac_intermediate));
        if (shift_amount[5])
            y_frac = y_frac_intermediate >> -shift_amount;
            y_frac = y_frac_intermediate << shift_amount;
        y_exp = y_exp_intermediate - {{2 {shift_amount[5]}}, shift_amount};
    always @(*)
        if (((a[30:23] == 8'hff) && (a[22:0] == 23'b00000000000000000000000)) && ((b_neg[30:23] == 8'hff) && (b_neg[22:0] == 23'b00000000000000000000000))) begin
            if (subtract && (a_sign ^ b_sign))
                y = 32'h7fc00000;
            else if (a_sign ^ b_sign)
                y = {a_sign, 31'h7f800000};
                y = {y_sign, y_exp, y_frac[22:0]};
        else if (((a[30:23] == 8'hff) && (a[22:0] == 23'b00000000000000000000000)) || ((b_neg[30:23] == 8'hff) && (b_neg[22:0] == 23'b00000000000000000000000)))
            y = {a_sign | b_sign, 31'h7f800000};
        else if (y_frac_intermediate == 48'b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
            y = 32'b00000000000000000000000000000000;
            y = {y_sign, y_exp, y_frac[22:0]};

When isolated this causes yosys to hang forever.

function automatic [5:0] priority_encoder;
        input [47:0] in;
        integer i;
        reg [0:1] _sv2v_jump;
            _sv2v_jump = 2'b00;
            begin : sv2v_autoblock_1
                integer _sv2v_value_on_break;
                for (i = 47; i >= 0; i = i - 1)
                    if (_sv2v_jump < 2'b10) begin
                        _sv2v_jump = 2'b00;
                        if (in[i]) begin
                            priority_encoder = 23 - i;
                            _sv2v_jump = 2'b11;
                        _sv2v_value_on_break = i;
                if (!(_sv2v_jump < 2'b10))
                    i = _sv2v_value_on_break;
                if (_sv2v_jump != 2'b11)
                    _sv2v_jump = 2'b00;
            if (_sv2v_jump == 2'b00) begin
                priority_encoder = 6'b000000;
                _sv2v_jump = 2'b11;

When replacing this portion with the following:

    function automatic [5:0] priority_encoder;
        input [47:0] in;
        integer i;
            priority_encoder = 6'b000000;
            for (i = 47; i >= 0; i = i - 1)
                if (in[i]) begin
                    priority_encoder = 23 - i;
                    i = -1;

It both becomes valid Verilog and stops Yosys from hanging. My version of sv2v is sv2v v0.0.11-15-gdeed2d9

zachjs commented 5 months ago

I presume i = -1; is supposed to be break; in your original example, otherwise there would be no _sv2v_jump in the output.

Can you share an end-to-end example for what is causing Yosys to hang? I wasn't immediately able to reproduce it with: sv2v > foo.v && yosys -Qp "read_verilog foo.v; hierarchy; proc; opt -full"

zachjs commented 5 months ago

What version of Yosys are you using?

wrs225 commented 5 months ago

My apologies, my original file was slightly wrong. I pulled it from a GitHub repo.

module fp_addsub (
    input logic [31:0] a,
    input logic [31:0] b,
    input logic subtract,
    output logic [31:0] y

    logic [31:0] b_neg;
    logic a_sign, b_sign;
    logic [7:0] a_exp, b_exp;
    logic [23:0] a_frac, b_frac;  // Increase fraction size to 24 bits
    logic y_sign;
    logic [7:0] y_exp;
    logic [23:0] y_frac;  // Increase fraction size to 24 bits
    logic [47:0] y_frac_intermediate;  // Intermediate fraction for normalization extended to 48 bits
    logic [7:0] y_exp_intermediate;  // Intermediate exponent for normalization
    logic [5:0] shift_amount;  // Shift amount from priority encoder

    // Negate b if subtract is high
    assign b_neg = subtract ? {b[31]^1'b1, b[30:0]} : b;

    // Priority encoder to find the leading one
    function automatic [5:0] priority_encoder (input [47:0] in);
        integer i;
        for (i=47; i>=0; i=i-1) begin
            if (in[i]) begin
                return 23 - i;
        return 6'b000000;  // Return 0 if no one is found

    // Add or subtract
    always_comb begin
        // Extract fields
        a_sign     = a[31];
        b_sign     = b_neg[31];
        a_exp = a[30:23];
        b_exp = b_neg[30:23];
        a_frac = {1'b1, a[22:0]};  // Add implicit leading 1
        b_frac = {1'b1, b_neg[22:0]};  // Add implicit leading 1

        // Perform addition or subtraction
        if (a_exp > b_exp) begin
            y_exp_intermediate = a_exp;
            if (b_sign ^ a_sign) begin
                y_frac_intermediate = a_frac - (b_frac >> (a_exp - b_exp));  // Corrected shift amount
            end else begin
                y_frac_intermediate = a_frac + (b_frac >> (a_exp - b_exp));  // Corrected shift amount
            y_sign = a_sign;
        end else if (a_exp < b_exp) begin
            y_exp_intermediate = b_exp;
            if (b_sign ^ a_sign) begin
                y_frac_intermediate = b_frac - (a_frac >> (b_exp - a_exp));  // Corrected shift amount
            end else begin
                y_frac_intermediate = (a_frac >> (b_exp - a_exp)) + b_frac;  // Corrected shift amount
            y_sign = b_sign;
        end else begin
            y_exp_intermediate = a_exp;
            if (a_frac >= b_frac) begin
                if (b_sign ^ a_sign) begin
                    y_frac_intermediate = a_frac - b_frac;  // No shift when exponents are equal
                end else begin
                    y_frac_intermediate = a_frac + b_frac;  // No shift when exponents are equal
                y_sign = a_sign;
            end else begin
                if (b_sign ^ a_sign) begin
                    y_frac_intermediate = b_frac - a_frac;  // No shift when exponents are equal
                end else begin
                    y_frac_intermediate = b_frac + a_frac;  // No shift when exponents are equal
                y_sign = b_sign;

        // Normalize result using priority encoder
        if (a == 32'b0 && b == 32'b0) begin
            shift_amount = 6'b000000;  // No shift if both inputs are zero
        end else begin
            shift_amount = y_frac_intermediate[47] ? 6'b000000 : priority_encoder(y_frac_intermediate);

        // Shift fraction and adjust exponent
        if (shift_amount[5]) begin  // If the most significant bit is 1, shift_amount is negative
            y_frac = y_frac_intermediate >> -shift_amount;  // Right shift
        end else begin
            y_frac = y_frac_intermediate << shift_amount;  // Left shift
        y_exp = y_exp_intermediate - {{2{shift_amount[5]}}, shift_amount};  // Sign extend shift_amount and subtract from y_exp_intermediate


    // Check for infinity and pack fields into output
    always_comb begin
        // Check if either input is infinity
        if ((a[30:23] == 8'hFF && a[22:0] == 23'b0) && (b_neg[30:23] == 8'hFF && b_neg[22:0] == 23'b0)) begin
            // If both inputs are infinity and the operation is subtraction, the output is NaN
            if (subtract && (a_sign ^ b_sign)) begin
                y = {1'b0, 8'hFF, 23'h400000};
            end else if (a_sign ^ b_sign) begin
                y = {a_sign, 8'hFF, 23'b0};
            end else begin
                y = {y_sign, y_exp, y_frac[22:0]};  // Only take the lower 23 bits of the fraction
        end else if ((a[30:23] == 8'hFF && a[22:0] == 23'b0) || (b_neg[30:23] == 8'hFF && b_neg[22:0] == 23'b0)) begin
            // If either input is infinity (but not both), set the output to infinity as well
            y = {a_sign | b_sign, 8'hFF, 23'b0};
        end else if (y_frac_intermediate == 48'b0) begin
            y = 32'b0;
        end else begin
            // If neither input is infinity and the output is not zero, perform regular assignment
            y = {y_sign, y_exp, y_frac[22:0]};  // Only take the lower 23 bits of the fraction

With this file, I can reproduce with this:

sv2v > foo.v && yosys -Qp "read_verilog foo.v; synth -top fp_addsub"

My Yosys version is:

Yosys 0.34+14 (git sha1 11b9deba9, clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os)
wrs225 commented 3 months ago

Were you able to reproduce the issue?