zachmayer / caretEnsemble

caret models all the way down :turtle:
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Different versions of caretEnsemble 2.0.0? #216

Closed sparcycram closed 7 years ago

sparcycram commented 7 years ago

Zach I seem to have different versions of caretEnsemble both 2.0.0 both dated 2016-02-06

The first one has getBinaryTargetLevel in it and works with my code, the second doesn't and throws an error of Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'rda10' not found when trying to predict with a caretEnsemble object as well as Error: could not find function "getBinaryTargetLevel". The issue has appeared on both windows different machines and Ubuntu. In the help pages getBinaryTargetLevel exist in the first one but not the second?

This is the first one that works

Package: caretEnsemble Type: Package Title: Ensembles of Caret Models Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2016-02-06 Authors@R: c(person(c("Zachary", "A."), "Deane-Mayer", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person(c("Jared", "E."), "Knowles", role=c("aut"), email="")) URL: BugReports: Description: Functions for creating ensembles of caret models: caretList() and caretStack(). caretList() is a convenience function for fitting multiple caret::train() models to the same dataset. caretStack() will make linear or non-linear combinations of these models, using a caret::train() model as a meta-model, and caretEnsemble() will make a robust linear combination of models using a GLM. Depends: R (>= 3.2.0) Suggests: caTools, testthat, lintr, randomForest, glmnet, rpart, kernlab, nnet, e1071, ipred, pROC, knitr, mlbench, MASS, gbm, klaR, rmarkdown Imports: methods, pbapply, ggplot2, digest, plyr, lattice, gridExtra, data.table, caret License: MIT + file LICENSE VignetteBuilder: knitr RoxygenNote: 5.0.1 Author: Zachary A. Deane-Mayer [aut, cre], Jared E. Knowles [aut] Maintainer: Zachary A. Deane-Mayer Built: R 3.3.1; ; 2016-09-27 21:10:28 UTC; windows RemoteType: github RemoteHost: RemoteRepo: caretEnsemble RemoteUsername: zachmayer RemoteRef: master RemoteSha: 63e2818e00e3458eb6b6156c1d51dee72426a192 GithubRepo: caretEnsemble GithubUsername: zachmayer GithubRef: master GithubSHA1: 63e2818e00e3458eb6b6156c1d51dee72426a192

This one doesn't

Package: caretEnsemble Type: Package Title: Ensembles of Caret Models Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2016-02-06 Authors@R: c(person(c("Zachary", "A."), "Deane-Mayer", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person(c("Jared", "E."), "Knowles", role=c("aut"), email="")) URL: BugReports: Description: Functions for creating ensembles of caret models: caretList and caretStack. caretList is a convenience function for fitting multiple caret::train models to the same dataset. caretStack will make linear or non-linear combinations of these models, using a caret::train model as a meta-model, and caretEnsemble will make a robust linear combination of models using a glm. Depends: R (>= 3.2.0) Suggests: caTools, testthat, lintr, randomForest, glmnet, rpart, kernlab, nnet, e1071, ipred, pROC, knitr, mlbench, MASS, gbm, klaR Imports: methods, pbapply, ggplot2, digest, plyr, lattice, gridExtra, data.table, caret License: MIT + file LICENSE VignetteBuilder: knitr RoxygenNote: 5.0.1 NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2016-02-06 16:06:12 UTC; zachary Author: Zachary A. Deane-Mayer [aut, cre], Jared E. Knowles [aut] Maintainer: Zachary A. Deane-Mayer Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2016-02-07 10:50:09 Built: R 3.3.1; ; 2016-10-01 17:21:47 UTC; unix

zachmayer commented 7 years ago

That's odd. Did you install them both from CRAN? Try the version on github: devtools::install_github('zachmayer/caretEnsemble').

sparcycram commented 7 years ago

I installed the latest version from CRAN. This version is the one that causes the problem I think.

If I try to install the github version I get the following error.

Warning in install.packages : package ‘devtools::install_github('zachmayer/caretEnsemble')’ is not available (for R version 3.3.1)

If I use an old copy from R 3.2.4 or R3.2.5 and just copy it directly into the R3.3.1 library it runs and works and has the getBinaryTargetLevel functionality in it. Not sure why the CRAN version doesn't work as its not just the getBinaryTargetLevel that fails.

I'm up and running but not sure how anyone using R 3.3.1 is getting results with predict in CaretEnsemble?

zachmayer commented 7 years ago

Don't wrap it in install.packages. Just run devtools::install

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:44 AM, sparcycram wrote:

I installed the latest version from CRAN. This version is the one that causes the problem I think.

If I try to install the github version I get the following error.

Warning in install.packages : package ‘devtools::install_github('zachmayer/caretEnsemble')’ is not available (for R version 3.3.1)

If I use an old copy from R 3.2.4 or R3.2.5 and just copy it directly into the R3.3.1 library it runs and works and has the getBinaryTargetLevel functionality in it. Not sure why the CRAN version doesn't work as its not just the getBinaryTargetLevel that fails.

I'm up and running but not sure how anyone using R 3.3.1 is getting results with predict in CaretEnsemble?

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sparcycram commented 7 years ago

Thanks works

Appears that the cran version is different.

Sent from my iPad

On 02 Oct 2016, at 14:51, Zach Mayer wrote:

Don't wrap it in install.packages. Just run devtools::install

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:44 AM, sparcycram wrote:

I installed the latest version from CRAN. This version is the one that causes the problem I think.

If I try to install the github version I get the following error.

Warning in install.packages : package ‘devtools::install_github('zachmayer/caretEnsemble')’ is not available (for R version 3.3.1)

If I use an old copy from R 3.2.4 or R3.2.5 and just copy it directly into the R3.3.1 library it runs and works and has the getBinaryTargetLevel functionality in it. Not sure why the CRAN version doesn't work as its not just the getBinaryTargetLevel that fails.

I'm up and running but not sure how anyone using R 3.3.1 is getting results with predict in CaretEnsemble?

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sparcycram commented 7 years ago

If you install straight from github the correct package loads and works.


Thanks Zach