zachmayer / caretEnsemble

caret models all the way down :turtle:
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caretEnsemble breaks with new GBM #219

Closed zachmayer closed 4 years ago

zachmayer commented 7 years ago

Email from the GBM team:


We're coming up to a new release of gbm which considerably tidies the code and introduces a much stricter NAMESPACE. As part of this we have unfortunately had to change the API, and it looks like it is breaking your package. Would it be possible for you to take a look?

The new gbm is at


I'll need to check against the new version and see what needs fixin'.

sparcycram commented 7 years ago

Are you having any luck with this. Unfortunately I can only add moral support. All I can say is caretEnsemble is extremely useful and gbm is one of the go to packages in ensembling.

zachmayer commented 7 years ago

Use the old GBM for now, until I can fix this.

zachmayer commented 4 years ago

seems to work now

zachmayer commented 4 years ago

or at least the new cran build worked: