zachmayer / caretEnsemble

caret models all the way down :turtle:
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Speeding up caretEnsemble with hardware? #221

Closed sparcycram closed 7 years ago

sparcycram commented 7 years ago

Clock speed vs cores in caretEnsemble.

Zach do you have any advice here on the best way of speeding up caretEnsemble from a hardware point of view.

I know its an open question but if one is running a set of models viz svm, parrf, gbm and glm for example, some of which can run in parallel and some can't. Where do you think the best speed improvement would be, clock speed, cache or cores?

Any thoughts appreciated.

zachmayer commented 7 years ago

More RAM is by far the most important requirement. After that, more cores.

zachmayer commented 7 years ago

After that, faster cores, after that, probably more cache (but I really have no idea how cache helps in R).