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Response as factor or numeric ( rf and xgbTree ) #229

Closed germayneng closed 7 years ago

germayneng commented 7 years ago


I am trying to do stacking using the caret list. It is a classification response data. From what i understand, RF requires the response to be factor while xgboost needs the response as numeric.

I tried both scenarios, converting to factor and run the caretList as well as converting to numeric and run the caretList. I got both to run.

The latter gives me warnings from RF since it requires the response to be a factor. So what is right?

Regards Germayne

zachmayer commented 7 years ago

Please provide a reproducible example

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 12:20 AM, Germayne wrote:


I am trying to do stacking using the caret list. It is a classification response data. From what i understand, RF requires the response to be factor while xgboost needs the response as numeric.

I tried both scenarios, converting to factor and run the caretList as well as converting to numeric and run the caretList. I got both to run.

The latter gives me warnings from RF since it requires the response to be a factor. So what is right?

Regards Germayne

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germayneng commented 7 years ago


sorry i think my question should be: for xgboost itself, if i am doing a binary logistic, do I leave the response variable as a class factor? Because for random forest and extra trees, they require the response variable as class factor but the normal xgboost that I know only takes in numeric class variables

example code:

control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3, savePredictions= "final", classProbs=TRUE, summaryFunction = LogLosSummary)
algorithmList <- c('glm','knn')

# set grids 
#rf_grid <- expand.grid()
xgb_grid <- expand.grid(nrounds = 1000, eta = 0.1, max_depth = 5, gamma = 0, colsample_bytree = 1, min_child_weight = 1, subsample = 1)

# methodList=algorithmList
models <- caretList(Class~., data=dataset, trControl=control, metric = "LogLoss",
                    methodList = algorithmList,
                    tuneList = list(
                      et = caretModelSpec(method = "extraTrees", ntree = 1000),
                      rf = caretModelSpec(method = "rf", ntree = 1000),
                      xgb = caretModelSpec(method = "xgbTree", tuneGrid = xgb_grid)
zachmayer commented 7 years ago

Try using a factor. Caret should convert it to numeric before passing the data to xgboost.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 30, 2017, at 10:25 PM, Germayne wrote:


sorry i think my question should be: for xgboost itself, if i am doing a binary logistic, do I leave the response variable as a class factor? Because for random forest and extra trees, they require the response variable as class factor but the normal xgboost that I know only takes in numeric class variables

example code:

control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3, savePredictions= "final", classProbs=TRUE, summaryFunction = LogLosSummary) algorithmList <- c('glm','knn')

set grids

rf_grid <- expand.grid()

xgb_grid <- expand.grid(nrounds = 1000, eta = 0.1, max_depth = 5, gamma = 0, colsample_bytree = 1, min_child_weight = 1, subsample = 1)


models <- caretList(Class~., data=dataset, trControl=control, metric = "LogLoss", methodList = algorithmList, tuneList = list( et = caretModelSpec(method = "extraTrees", ntree = 1000), rf = caretModelSpec(method = "rf", ntree = 1000), xgb = caretModelSpec(method = "xgbTree", tuneGrid = xgb_grid) ) )

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germayneng commented 7 years ago

thank you. :) This cleared my doubts