zachmayer / caretEnsemble

caret models all the way down :turtle:
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CaretEnsemble: error in "relative.influence" #241

Closed drag05 closed 3 years ago

drag05 commented 6 years ago

I am using caretEnsemble version 2.0.0 downloaded from Github. Every time I try to run varImp after a successful run of caretEnsemble(), I get this error:

"Error in relative.influence(object, n.trees = numTrees) : could not find function "relative.influence""; also, I get similar error messages when trying to run any of the check() or extract() functions. For each session caret and caretEnsemble are loaded. Thank you!

ensemble <- caretEnsemble(mods,
                               metric = 'ROC',
                           trControl = trainControl(
                             method = 'cv',
                             number = 5,
                 savePredictions = 'final',
                         classProbs = TRUE,
             summaryFunction = twoClassSummary
