zacholade / Rift-Companion

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Consider which method we will use to store data #2

Open zacholade opened 5 years ago

zacholade commented 5 years ago

Json? SQL? Personally i really dislike sql. not that it's bad, i just find it difficult to understand and don't really have time to learn the ins and outs....

I think storing data for each summoner in a json file (one per region) is best. If the bot does end up blowing up then sure.. we can consider others?

TheSnoozer commented 5 years ago

From what I know we have:

I think the question for what storage is the best, becomes the question if we need parallel read and write access. I would be fine with JSON, since it's very easy to read/write. But it becomes a headache when we for example want to somehow read and write in parallel (e.g. the prefix of the bot).

zacholade commented 5 years ago

Ok. So sql is apparently op :P

zacholade commented 5 years ago

If you would be so kind to just check over my sql code here and make sure it doesnt appear to have any issues as my confidence is still questionable.. plus idk if anything could be sql injected here? Thanks dude @TheSnoozer