zachs78 / MacOS-XPS-9500-OpenCore

OpenCore EFI that allows you to install and boot macOS X Catalina on your Dell XPS 15 9500 (2020)
MIT License
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Upward firing speakers not working #15

Open nikoelt opened 3 years ago

nikoelt commented 3 years ago

We are almost there in terms of full functionality. I've noticed that during Spotify playback only the downwards firing speakers are working. The upward firing are mute. I am going to dive into ALC and see what I can dig up, in the meantime if anyone makes progress please let us know

trongrg commented 3 years ago

Same is happening to me with the combo jack

For bluetooth sound, I connected my airpod pro and it has sound, but the mic is not working

If you can give me some instructions about how to dive into ALC I would love to help too

TimLampen commented 3 years ago

@nikoelt @trongrg did you guys have any success in finding the problem?

thefiredragon commented 3 years ago

@zachs78 could you commit your applealc changes to the main applealc repo? Pinning was added manually right?

masterbater commented 3 years ago

Yo share me your solution thanks

masterbater commented 3 years ago

Use layout-id 99 seems solves and working

masterbater commented 3 years ago

Fix installing boom audio simulates waves maxxaudio pro on mac

nikoelt commented 3 years ago

@masterbater Layout id - 99 completely disables all audio for me. Are you still using this layout? I've noticed that the solution you've posted on the other 9500 MacOS GitHub only mentioned the Boom App but no layout change

How sure are you that Boom Audio 3D enables the upwards firing speakers? I have been using this app for quite some time; and whilst it improves the quality to the point that one might get the impression that the speakers are now firing; in my experience if you lift the laptop and put your ear to to the top ones, I still get no sound

P.S. I have both Boom3D and the Audio Component installed

masterbater commented 3 years ago

If you have windows installed, remove the maxx audio pro or change realtek driver to microsoft. You would get the same sound that is muffled and low in volume without the enhancement of waves maxx audio prp

nikoelt commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply mate. I fail to see how an app and drivers on the windows side would affect MacOS

If you want the full sound in windows, and like me have the OS installed on the second nvme drive, all you need to do is bypass opencore by booting directly into that drive via F12. This also solves the brightness keys (which is not a big deal)

However, the upwards firing speakers in MacOS are unaffected except for the enchantment that Boom3D provides for the bottom speakers to make them sound better

thefiredragon commented 3 years ago

For Layout id 99 you‘ll Need to install latest Official applealc

nikoelt commented 3 years ago

For Layout id 99 you‘ll Need to install latest Official applealc

Thank you. I've updated the AppleALC and it now works on profile 99. However, the same issue persists. I believe Masterbater is taking the much increased fidelity from the bottom speakers as a confirmation that the top speakers are firing. This is not the case with my machine. I have further confirmed this by using the OpenCore file on your GitHub which you have updated a few days ago, (I've noticed you've already put the layout to 99) with the same results

To confirm, play a song and minimum volume possible and put your ear up to the top and bottom speakers

Furthermore, the reason the bottom speakers sound so much better is because by default they are designed for mid tones and base only, whilst the top speakers are designed for upper mid-tones and treble. Boom3D increases the upper range fidelity of the bottom speakers giving an impression that the top are working