zachsaw / MPDN_Extensions

Media Player .Net (MPDN) Open Source Extensions
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MPDN 2.49 "Specified argument was out of range of valid values." on Win10 playback #240

Open hipsterfont opened 6 years ago

hipsterfont commented 6 years ago


I know this is the wrong venue for this but Doom9 requires 5 days before posting or PMing anything and I couldn't find an alternative contact method for you. I ran into the "Specified argument was out of range of valid values." on my Surface Pro 3 with Win10 CU after updating to 2.49.

Resetting settings and doing a clean reinstall did not resolve the issue, I debugged it down to an issue with .NET 4.7 itself. Updating to the .NET 4.7.1 developer preview fixed the issue entirely for me. Just figured I'd let you know :D

Shiandow commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for the information. Unfortunately I was a bit late in noticing your comment, but any information is definitely welcome.

From what I can tell you're right that the bug is caused by something in the .Net framework, but whether this is because of an actual bug of undefined behaviour isn't entirely clear.

It would be nice if .Net 4.7.1 solves the problem though.

@zachsaw Any chance you're using the .Net 4.7.1 framework preview?