to run with new clients
needs some changes
i noticed on 2017-11-01bRagexeRE was it has 8th argument on itemInfo.lua
the costume line (true or false)
I tested on an iteminfo with just one item
but the change has to be done on all items
Do you know any easy way to do it?
intends to work with new clients ?
[607] = {
unidentifiedDisplayName = "Yggdrasil Berry",
unidentifiedResourceName = "이그드라실열매",
unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" },
identifiedDisplayName = "Yggdrasil Berry",
identifiedResourceName = "이그드라실열매",
identifiedDescriptionName = {
"Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life.",
"Class:^0000FF Restorative item^000000",
"Heal:^006600 100%^000000 HP, ^006600100%^000000 SP",
"Weight:^006600 30^000000"
slotCount = 0,
ClassNum = 0,
costume = false
and smal change on function
main = function()
for ItemID, DESC in pairs(tbl) do
result, msg = AddItem(ItemID, DESC.unidentifiedDisplayName, DESC.unidentifiedResourceName, DESC.identifiedDisplayName, DESC.identifiedResourceName, DESC.slotCount, DESC.ClassNum, DESC.costume)
if not result == true then
return false, msg
for k, v in pairs(DESC.unidentifiedDescriptionName) do
result, msg = AddItemUnidentifiedDesc(ItemID, v)
if not result == true then
return false, msg
for k, v in pairs(DESC.identifiedDescriptionName) do
result, msg = AddItemIdentifiedDesc(ItemID, v)
if not result == true then
return false, msg
k = DESC.costume
k = DESC.unidentifiedResourceName
v = DESC.identifiedDisplayName
return true, "good"
to run with new clients needs some changes i noticed on 2017-11-01bRagexeRE was it has 8th argument on itemInfo.lua the costume line (true or false) I tested on an iteminfo with just one item but the change has to be done on all items Do you know any easy way to do it? intends to work with new clients ?
[607] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Yggdrasil Berry", unidentifiedResourceName = "이그드라실열매", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Yggdrasil Berry", identifiedResourceName = "이그드라실열매", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life.", "^FFFFFF_^000000", "Class:^0000FF Restorative item^000000", "Heal:^006600 100%^000000 HP, ^006600100%^000000 SP", "Weight:^006600 30^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0, costume = false },
and smal change on function
main = function() for ItemID, DESC in pairs(tbl) do result, msg = AddItem(ItemID, DESC.unidentifiedDisplayName, DESC.unidentifiedResourceName, DESC.identifiedDisplayName, DESC.identifiedResourceName, DESC.slotCount, DESC.ClassNum, DESC.costume) if not result == true then return false, msg end for k, v in pairs(DESC.unidentifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemUnidentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result == true then return false, msg end end for k, v in pairs(DESC.identifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemIdentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result == true then return false, msg end end k = DESC.costume k = DESC.unidentifiedResourceName v = DESC.identifiedDisplayName end return true, "good" end
I tested on an iteminfo with just one item