zackees / zcmds

Swiss army knife of insanely productive CLI and AI tools. Cross platform.
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aicode - General question and detail instrutions #6

Closed araderberg closed 4 months ago

araderberg commented 4 months ago

Hi Zack, Nice little tool. I am working on a matching learning program to add to Streamlit and it is giving warnings and errors. I used chatgpt and google ai directly but while chatgpt re-wrote the entire code a bit differently, it is still giving warnings and errors.

A little bit of more clarification on how to use it would be helpful. Sorry, I am crazy for cheatsheets and documentations...

Thanks, Aaliyah

araderberg commented 4 months ago

Hi Zack, We an close this. I am using it now without too many issues. the /help give some instructions. I can now save the files or copy/paste to the screen. GPT is not 100% accurate but very close. Great tool and thanks for sharing.