zackmawaldi / YouTube-shorts-generator

Automatically download Reddit videos, edit them, and upload them to YouTube.
MIT License
323 stars 62 forks source link

'ffmpeg' is not recognized as an internal command #11

Closed matoqwerty closed 1 year ago

matoqwerty commented 2 years ago

Hello, moviepy and ffmpeg both package are installed and i dont find the part where are the call function "ffmpeg" anywhere, somebody can help me please?

(env) PS D:\Users\Thomas\dev\YouTube-shorts-generator> python3     
Logging into Reddit...
Log in success! Retrieving post info...
I wasn’t convinced until now…. we are definitely in a simulation. Today I randomly swam past my Doppelseäner at the Flamingo pool in Vegas.
But I swear it was here!
But I swear it was here!  funny  zhaneq14

Coach hears his translator for the first time
Coach hears his translator for the first time  funny  S-_Lifts

Japan needs YOU 🍺
Leslie Nielsen in Detroit: Become Human
Leslie Nielsen in Detroit: Become Human  funny  Ishnuporah

There's marijuana in there!
There's marijuana in there!  funny  ecky--ptang-zooboing

Inflation hits the lemonade stands
Inflation hits the lemonade stands  funny  tefunka

Whilst on holiday, my sister asked for an update picture of her two cats. This is what she got...
he on another level
The hotel I’m staying in keeps adding a new roll of toilet paper every day 
even though I’m not using any.
Did I get it in?
Did I get it in?  funny  lilmammamia

I pity the tool
The best disabled plate I’ve ever seen
As a Midwesterner, these critters are a TREAT when visiting Florida.       
As a Midwesterner, these critters are a TREAT when visiting Florida.  funny  Everythingsphyne

First day back to school, and what do I see?
I am utterly surprised that this hasn't been vandalized already.
My brother gave me the best birthday card
Someone sent me this muppet pic to insult me and it just cracked me up instead
the grandma
Releasing my farm cat Pork Chop after a vet visit 😂🚀
Releasing my farm cat Pork Chop after a vet visit 😂🚀  funny  blackflameandcocaine

Husband knows how to trigger wife
Husband knows how to trigger wife  funny  somek_pamak

Dance like nobody's watching.
Dance like nobody's watching.  funny  Tricky-Awareness7465

Party..  funny  Sad_Friendship4043

[('', 'But I swear it was here!', 'zhaneq14'), ('', 'Coach hears his translator for the 
first time', 'S-_Lifts'), ('', 'Leslie Nielsen in Detroit: Become Human', 'Ishnuporah'), ('', "There's marijuana in there!", 'ecky--ptang-zooboing'), ('', 'Inflation hits the lemonade stands', 'tefunka'), ('', 'Did I get it in?', 'lilmammamia'), ('', 'As a Midwesterner, these critters are a TREAT when visiting Florida.', 'Everythingsphyne'), ('', 'Releasing my farm cat Pork Chop after a vet visit 😂🚀', 'blackflameandcocaine'), ('', 'Husband knows how to trigger wife', 'somek_pamak'), ('', "Dance 
like nobody's watching.", 'Tricky-Awareness7465'), ('', 'Party..', 'Sad_Friendship4043')]
>> Connecting...
>> Scraping...
>> Connecting...
>> Scraping...
>> Downloading and Re-encoding...
>> Video:
>>>> [██████████████████████████████████████████████████] [2.60/2.60 MB]
'ffmpeg' n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Users\Thomas\dev\YouTube-shorts-generator\", line 32, in 
    rs.download_vid(vid_list[x][0], directory)
  File "D:\Users\Thomas\dev\YouTube-shorts-generator\", line 11, in download_vid
  File "C:\Users\31smo\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\redvid\", line 254, in download
  File "C:\Users\31smo\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\redvid\", line 149, in get_and_mux
    os.rename(self.temp + 'av.mp4', self.file_name)
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] Le fichier spécifié est introuvable: 'temp_clips/\\redvid_temp\\yvyWOdRIBNuTbKSNwxxLJk8PGvwvugiWBOfT6cLqZDA\\av.mp4' -> 'temp_clips/\\wt4eebysoti91-DASH_480.mp4'
zackmawaldi commented 2 years ago

Check if this video helps.