zadam / trilium

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Sync doesn't work with domain name. it works with IP. #1376

Closed n-andreev closed 2 years ago

n-andreev commented 3 years ago

Hey. I have 0.44.5 on my laptop (Ubuntu 20.04) and the same version on "server".

My schema: Cloudflare [https] -> nginx [https/let's encypt] -> trilium [http] Things work except sync.

Everythink is ok with sync, but only when I use http://public_IP_or_local_IP/trilium in settings. Once I set it to http[s]://domain/trilium - sync doesn't work

I will try to attach a lot of logs/configs: server side:

[Network] host= port=8080 https=false certPath= keyPath=

- nginx virtualhost

server {

server_name mydomain;

listen 80;

listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot

# RSA certificate
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot

include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot

location /.well-known { root /tmp; auth_basic off; }

client_max_body_size 100M;

location /trilium/ { auth_basic off; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; }


- nginx log

[02/Nov/2020:23:49:45 +0200] "GET /trilium/api/setup/status HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) TriliumNotes/0.44.5 Chrome/83.0.4103.122 Electron/9.3.1 Safari/537.36" ip- - [02/Nov/2020:23:49:45 +0200] "POST /trilium/api/login/sync HTTP/1.1" 200 52 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) TriliumNotes/0.44.5 Chrome/83.0.4103.122 Electron/9.3.1 Safari/537.36" ip - - [02/Nov/2020:23:49:45 +0200] "GET /trilium/api/sync/changed?lastEntityChangeId=1418 HTTP/1.1" 401 14 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) TriliumNotes/0.44.5 Chrome/83.0.4103.122 Electron/9.3.1 Safari/537.36"

- trilium log

21:33:13.080 DB size: 2052 KB 21:33:20.787 App HTTP server starting up at port 8080 21:33:20.788 { "appVersion": "0.44.5", "dbVersion": 170, "syncVersion": 16, "buildDate": "2020-10-01T23:45:09+02:00", "buildRevision": "8f018cc7c69257bbd11590e41e267872e19d7bb6", "dataDirectory": "/some/path/trilium-data", "clipperProtocolVersion": "1.0" } 21:33:20.792 CPU model: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l), logical cores: 3 freq: 988 Mhz 21:33:20.893 Listening on port 8080 21:34:47.020 Notes deleted: 14, not deleted 154 21:34:47.031 Note revisions deleted: 0, not deleted 12 21:34:47.034 Branches deleted: 21, not deleted 176 21:34:47.036 Attributes deleted: 2, not deleted 231 21:34:47.038 API tokens deleted: 0, not deleted 0 21:34:47.097 Slow query took 37ms: SELECT noteId FROM notes JOIN note_contents USING (noteId) WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND isProtected = 0 AND content IS NULL 21:34:47.151 All consistency checks passed (took 135ms) 21:38:30.105 Generated CSRF token KQfBpNM1-mavpzoXF9G9OnsLEhcdBcOBik18 with secret undefined 21:38:33.119 Slow GET / took 3026ms 21:38:34.822 Slow GET /api/options took 12ms 21:38:34.905 Slow GET /api/tree took 44ms 21:38:34.955 GET /api/keyboard-shortcuts-for-notes took 6ms 21:38:34.987 Slow GET /api/keyboard-actions took 19ms 21:38:35.006 Slow GET /api/notes/download/MwAkWACPN28p took 14ms 21:38:35.025 Slow GET /api/script/widgets took 16ms 21:38:35.118 Slow GET /api/notes/download/RvNAtbVelWEx took 11ms 21:38:36.671 Slow GET /api/notes/iEombNwnY0r7 took 15ms 21:38:38.072 Slow GET /api/notes/iEombNwnY0r7/revisions took 22ms 21:38:38.126 Slow GET /api/script/startup took 14ms 21:38:41.449 Slow GET /api/similar-notes/iEombNwnY0r7 took 3315ms 21:38:47.187 GET /api/setup/status took 5ms 21:38:47.388 Slow POST /api/login/sync took 16ms 21:38:47.510 PUT /api/sync/update rejected with 401 Not authorized 21:39:44.067 GET /api/setup/status took 6ms 21:39:44.123 POST /api/login/sync took 6ms 21:39:44.182 PUT /api/sync/update rejected with 401 Not authorized 21:40:44.706 GET /api/setup/status took 5ms 21:40:45.834 POST /api/login/sync took 5ms 21:40:45.896 PUT /api/sync/update rejected with 401 Not authorized ...


22:14:35.027 GET /api/setup/status took 6ms 22:14:35.059 POST /api/login/sync took 5ms 22:14:35.069 GET /api/setup/status took 4ms 22:14:35.099 Slow POST /api/login/sync took 10ms 22:14:35.185 Slow PUT /api/sync/update took 43ms 22:14:35.234 Returning 21 entity changes in 9ms 22:14:35.238 Slow GET /api/sync/changed?lastEntityChangeId=1396 took 14ms 22:14:35.279 GET /api/sync/changed?lastEntityChangeId=1418 took 4ms 22:14:35.319 POST /api/sync/finished took 4ms 22:14:35.395 Content hash computation took 40ms 22:14:35.399 Slow GET /api/sync/check took 46ms 22:14:44.029 GET /api/setup/status took 4ms 22:14:44.210 POST /api/login/sync took 5ms 22:14:44.247 GET /api/sync/changed?lastEntityChangeId=1418 took 6ms 22:14:44.414 POST /api/sync/finished took 4ms 22:14:44.653 Content hash computation took 37ms

**client side:**
- trilium logs

1:38:43.168 DB size: 2068 KB 21:38:44.820 App HTTP server starting up at port 37840 21:38:44.820 { "appVersion": "0.44.5", "dbVersion": 170, "syncVersion": 16, "buildDate": "2020-10-01T23:45:09+02:00", "buildRevision": "8f018cc7c69257bbd11590e41e267872e19d7bb6", "dataDirectory": "/some/path/.local/share/trilium-data", "clipperProtocolVersion": "1.0" } 21:38:44.837 CPU model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8130U CPU @ 2.20GHz, logical cores: 4 freq: 1999 Mhz 21:38:44.842 Listening on port 37840 21:38:44.957 Registered global shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P for action createNoteIntoDayNote 21:38:45.056 Generated CSRF token J0Jc9xoJ-rUMwmmUYktC9tXwBNbTKQTFnafg with secret _csrf=PPSWha2dt9Ij6CGH0msXm7AA; Path=/ 21:38:45.086 Slow GET / took 32ms 21:38:45.350 GET /api/options took 2ms 21:38:45.356 GET /api/tree took 5ms 21:38:45.362 GET /api/keyboard-actions took 2ms 21:38:45.365 GET /api/keyboard-shortcuts-for-notes took 0ms 21:38:45.369 GET /api/notes/download/MwAkWACPN28p took 2ms 21:38:45.372 GET /api/script/widgets took 2ms 21:38:45.374 GET /api/notes/download/RvNAtbVelWEx took 1ms 21:38:45.984 GET /api/notes/mpNtgHi9LoGT took 6ms 21:38:47.339 Slow GET /api/similar-notes/mpNtgHi9LoGT took 357ms 21:38:47.346 GET /api/notes/mpNtgHi9LoGT/revisions took 3ms 21:38:47.462 GET /api/script/startup took 3ms 21:38:47.468 POST /api/tree/load took 2ms 21:38:47.478 POST /api/tree/load took 3ms 21:38:47.490 POST /api/tree/load took 4ms 21:38:47.501 POST /api/tree/load took 3ms 21:38:48.249 sync failed: Request to PUT https://domain/trilium/api/sync/update failed, error: 401 stack: Error: Request to PUT https://domain/trilium/api/sync/update failed, error: 401 at generateError (/usr/lib/trilium/resources/app.asar/src/services/request.js:174:12) at ClientRequest. (/usr/lib/trilium/resources/app.asar/src/services/request.js:53:28) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:223:5) at SimpleURLLoaderWrapper. (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:93:6152) at SimpleURLLoaderWrapper.emit (events.js:223:5) 21:38:48.252 ERROR: Failed to deserialize sync response: Not authorized 21:38:50.975 POST /api/recent-notes took 9ms 21:38:53.521 GET /api/backend-log took 3ms 21:39:04.598 Notes deleted: 14, not deleted 154 21:39:04.599 Note revisions deleted: 0, not deleted 12 21:39:04.600 Branches deleted: 21, not deleted 176 21:39:04.600 Attributes deleted: 2, not deleted 231 21:39:04.601 API tokens deleted: 0, not deleted 0 21:39:04.630 All consistency checks passed (took 32ms) 21:39:45.390 sync failed: Request to PUT https://domain/trilium/api/sync/update failed, error: 401 stack: Error: Request to PUT https://domain/trilium/api/sync/update failed, error: 401 at generateError (/usr/lib/trilium/resources/app.asar/src/services/request.js:174:12) at ClientRequest. (/usr/lib/trilium/resources/app.asar/src/services/request.js:53:28) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:223:5) at SimpleURLLoaderWrapper. (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:93:6152) at SimpleURLLoaderWrapper.emit (events.js:223:5) 21:39:45.393 ERROR: Failed to deserialize sync response: Not authorized 21:40:46.431 sync failed: Request to PUT https://domain/trilium/api/sync/update failed, error: 401 stack: Error: Request to PUT https://domain/trilium/api/sync/update failed, error: 401 at generateError (/usr/lib/trilium/resources/app.asar/src/services/request.js:174:12) at ClientRequest. (/usr/lib/trilium/resources/app.asar/src/services/request.js:53:28) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:223:5) at SimpleURLLoaderWrapper. (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:93:6152) at SimpleURLLoaderWrapper.emit (events.js:223:5) 21:40:46.434 ERROR: Failed to deserialize sync response: Not authorized ...


2:14:34.230 Updating option syncServerHost to http://public_IP/trilium 22:14:34.231 Updating option syncServerTimeout to 60000 22:14:34.231 Updating option syncProxy to 22:14:34.233 PUT /api/options took 4ms 22:14:35.326 POST /api/sync/test took 2ms 22:14:35.975 Pushing 20 sync changes in 82ms 22:14:35.977 Nothing to push 22:14:36.027 Sending message to all clients: {"type":"sync-pull-in-progress"} 22:14:36.031 Pulled 21 changes starting at entityChangeId=1396 in 48ms and applied them in 5ms, 0 outstanding pulls 22:14:36.072 Sending message to all clients: {"type":"sync-pull-finished"} 22:14:36.073 Finished pull 22:14:36.077 Nothing to push 22:14:36.210 Content hash computation took 18ms 22:14:36.211 Content hash checks PASSED 22:14:40.031 GET /api/backend-log took 5ms 22:14:45.424 Nothing to push 22:14:45.594 Finished pull 22:14:45.594 Nothing to push 22:14:46.017 Content hash computation took 12ms 22:14:46.018 Content hash checks PASSED 22:15:45.432 Nothing to push 22:15:45.601 Finished pull 22:15:45.601 Nothing to push 22:15:46.020 Content hash computation took 9ms 22:15:46.021 Content hash checks PASSED

@zadam Please let me know if you need any extra info
zadam commented 3 years ago

If IP works but host name doesn't then it's probably something with DNS resolution. I don't think the problem lies in Trilium since DNS resolution is not handled on the application level ...

n-andreev commented 3 years ago

I agree. But DNS is ok, since client can reach the server. The problem that exactly trilium returns back 401 error. Any ideas where can be a problem? Is there any super debug switch? I've tried almost everything.

elementc commented 3 years ago

I can't point to any one particular directive, and none seem auth-related, but your nginx config is missing some items that I'm using successfully on mine.

    location <snip> {
        proxy_http_version        1.1;
        proxy_pass                <snip>;
        proxy_set_header          Host                     $http_host;
        proxy_set_header          X-Real-IP                $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header          X-Forwarded-For          $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header          Upgrade                  $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header          Connection               "upgrade";
        proxy_connect_timeout     60s;
        proxy_send_timeout        60s;
        proxy_read_timeout        60s;
        client_max_body_size      5M;
n-andreev commented 3 years ago

Hey @elementc, I've already tried these directives, just tried it one more time (X-Real-IP and X-Forwarded_for headers), but it didn't help.

liamzdenek commented 3 years ago

I am having the same issue as OP @n-andreev, but with a slightly different server error as this is occuring for me during client setup. I am using cloudflare as well, but the issue appears to be independent of whether cloudflare proxying is used. I am not using a nginx proxy, and I am using SSL on with a client certificate from cloudflare.

My error:

GET /api/sync/changed rejected with 401 Not authorized  

Op's error:

21:40:45.896 PUT /api/sync/update rejected with 401 Not authorized

I did some debugging, and I see that in routes/routes.js, both of these routes are protected with auth.checkApiAuth, which causes me to believe they are the same root cause.

    route(GET, '/api/sync/changed', [auth.checkApiAuth], syncApiRoute.getChanged, apiResultHandler);
    route(PUT, '/api/sync/update', [auth.checkApiAuth], syncApiRoute.update, apiResultHandler);

I modified checkApiAuth with some debug at the top...

function checkApiAuth(req, res, next) {                    
    console.log('req.session', req.session);               
    console.log('cookies', req.headers.cookie.split('; '));
    console.log('host header',;          
    console.log('logged in', req.session.loggedIn);        
    if (!req.session.loggedIn && !noAuthentication) {      
        reject(req, res, "Not authorized");                
    else {                                                 

... and i see the following output ( replaced with

req.session Session {                                                                                             
  cookie: {                                                                                                       
    path: '/',                                                                                                    
    _expires: 2020-12-18T04:37:26.598Z,                                                                           
    originalMaxAge: 86400000,                                                                                     
    httpOnly: true                                                                                                
cookies [                                                                                                         
  'expires=Sat, 16-Jan-21 04:37:26 GMT',                                                                          
  'Expires=Fri, 18 Dec 2020 04:37:26 GMT',                                                                        
host header                                                                            
logged in undefined                                                                                               
GET /api/sync/changed rejected with 401 Not authorized                                                            

I conclude from this that Trilium believes this user is not logged in despite receiving a cookie header. This is unusual because I did nothing out of the ordinary to generate this session. The session was generated only a short time before the call to the API endpoint, so it could not be expired.

I see that the cookie header contains the SID N243BzaRxntQ_A3V0IhnOJS-MRzpLPht. In the data directory, in the sessions folder (~/.local/share/trilium-data/sessions), I see a file named N243BzaRxntQ_A3V0IhnOJS-MRzpLPht.json, with the following contents:


So, this cookie is logged in. So, I tried to figure out why the session wasn't being loaded. I see that you are using express-session. I am not very familiar with this library, but I see that it uses the debug library, so I turned that on by launching Trilium with the command: DEBUG="*" ./node/bin/node src/www

I see the following additional output (among other, redacted/irrelevant output). This appears just prior to the log modifications I made to checkApiAuth:

express-session no SID sent, generating session +256ms   

I read through the express session documentation at a surface level, and then read through the source code a bit, but I can't find a place to check if the session loading/cookie parsing is occurring properly, or if some validation is silently failing, so I'm a bit stuck on debugging this further. Further insight would be appreciated.

zadam commented 3 years ago

Hi @liamzdenek, thanks for detailed report.

I think the problem lies in SameSite=Lax,connect.sid, I don't think comma is a valid cookie separator so cookie parser is not able to read the SID and does not use existing session.