zadam / trilium

Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
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Updated Trilium to latest version, now it wont start at all #4736

Open sexypizza opened 2 months ago

sexypizza commented 2 months ago

Trilium Version


What operating system are you using?


What is your setup?

Local (no sync)

Operating System Version

Windows 10


I didnt update for a long time. Today I thought I would. Downloaded latest release and overwrote the old one I had, just dragged and dropped then overwrote.

Now when I open the exe file nothing happens. No errors or anything. Also the safemode.bat and trilium-no-cert-check.bat dont do anything either.

in the task manager there is also no trilium notes open at all.

I'm worried I lost my notes. A lot of important stuff is in there :'(

Error logs

No errors.

Nriver commented 2 months ago

Run it in cmd and check the output message

taustin81 commented 2 months ago

I'm not too certain wether any of these tips will help. This has happened to me in Linux. What I've had to do is download previous versions and execute the script to relaunch it, everything in the .rhel packages allow it to run in whatever directory the files are extracted to, sort of a standalone (effectively not installed in the traditional sense). -My though is perhaps there is a or multiple file(s) that can be copied from your existing install directory over to a makeshift directory.

If you follow the logic that would give you a test platform to try a few things to see if it will open and or get your data back.

I'm not sure whether you've got system restore enabled. That may be one practical solution.

Another may be, can you try editing the exe so you run it in compatibility mode or as admin?

One last thought, I thought that even the desktop version was able to open in a browser? Localhost:port# address?? -Am I wrong about that?

XXXJetfireXXX commented 2 months ago

First, try reverting back to your initial version. If your database won't open, restore it from a backup. Then, try upgrading Trilium one version by another step by step, starting from your initial one and ending with the latest release. I hope this helps!