zadam / trilium

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(Feature request) #4741

Closed chncho closed 1 month ago

chncho commented 2 months ago

Describe feature

version 0.62.5

  1. I have added the following style so that when the phone is horizontally displayed, the height is not enough and the left splitter bar can scroll up and down.
  2. When I finished adding, the left splitter bar could indeed scroll up and down, but when I clicked on it, there was no response.
  3. When I use it on the desktop, I adjust the window schedule very little, and the same goes for it. When I place the mouse on the button in the launcher, the shape of the mouse constantly changes between the pointer and the hand shape.
  4. May I ask what the reason is and is there any way to avoid it

button.button-widget.bx.component.launcher-button {
    flex-shrink: 0;
div#launcher-container {
    overflow: scroll;

Additional Information

No response

meichthys commented 1 month ago

Trilium has entered maintenance mode. Future enhancements will be addressed in TrilumNext: