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Kanban board for task manager #690

Open MrEliptik opened 4 years ago

MrEliptik commented 4 years ago

I love trilium and I've been using it extensively to log everything, especially about the projects i'm working on. It seems possible to manage task as described here but I find it not intuitive enough.

I'd love to have something like a kanban board (like trello). The backend could be the same, only the frontend would be a fancy way of seeing tasks arranged in different columns.

See image below image

Thanks for your work. Victor

corbin-auriti commented 4 years ago

This would be great, and make it a good contender for Notion

leoossa commented 4 years ago


nhaouari commented 4 years ago


tbnorth commented 4 years ago

Already close with this structure:


Format would need tweaking and drag between "columns" would be great - seems so close I wonder if it's a nascent plan?

zadam commented 4 years ago

Just to put out some information on this - this is not planned in the near/medium future.

For standard/core Trilium this seems too specialized, perhaps might be implemented and provided by default as a script, but this is no small feature. Structural similarity to book note view is just accidental ...

Ivan-Igorevich commented 1 year ago

As if Trillium is a (so far, prefect) personal note-taking app, kanban would be very useful to structure things up, especially, if it would be tied up to notes. hope one day it would be implemented as a core feature or at least a plugin. Keeping fingers crossed))

tbnorth commented 1 year ago

I had a working demo working, I should dig it up and see how well it's working now several trillium versions later.

benkaiser commented 8 months ago

@tbnorth was your working demo a fork of trilium or a script? If it's a script do you mind sharing source code?

benkaiser commented 8 months ago

Also heads up, looks like the collection views has a minimal implementation of a board view:

brownterryn commented 8 months ago

@tbnorth was your working demo a fork of trilium or a script? If it's a script do you mind sharing source code?

A script I haven't looked at for some time, @benkaiser. I did look at it again after 0.61.12, the bug (in my code) that I hadn't worked out is still there - the tree displays "ghost clones" that disappear over time. JS is not my comfort zone, so I may be doing something wrong with references or something. Anyway, I was able to import the attached .zip (into vanilla Trilium 0.61.12) and get the board to show up after a couple of reloads. The node called "Texty" is the one that renders the board when selected.

benkaiser commented 8 months ago

Very nice @brownterryn ! I like your implementation how you just have to have a single label to enable it + the fact you explicitly manage each item in the list as it's own note is nice. Can you use the widget approach to take over the whole note view or just the bottom half?

I pursued something tonight utilizing react-trello and a custom note renderer, looks quite nice, but doesn't actually manage each of the cards as single notes yet, and depends on like ~350kb of javascript.

benkaiser commented 8 months ago

Regarding your bug @brownterryn , you may want to look into exposing moveNote to the scripting API. You can see a similar PR I started adding another API:

CyrilLeblanc commented 7 months ago

Hey, I made a custom implementation for this feature using JKanban. It uses the same note hierarchy as @tbnorth.

Here's the repo:

rauenzi commented 7 months ago

@CyrilLeblanc You should show this off in a GitHub discussion, and encourage @Nriver to add it to awesome-trilium

CyrilLeblanc commented 7 months ago

Good idea ! I just added a message to this discussions about kanban. I will look tomorrow to add this to awesome-trilium

tbnorth commented 7 months ago

Nice @CyrilLeblanc I like the re-orderable columns.  I didn't see within column changes to order reflected in the ordering of children of the corresponding note?

CyrilLeblanc commented 7 months ago

@tbnorth Thanks ! I didn't implement this but I will surely do very shortly.

tbnorth commented 7 months ago

And now with in column re-ordering - good work.

Really think DAG with clones is a much better way to organize a project than the regular "6 x 10" table (because no one likes more than 6 columns or 10 rows in a scrum / sprint board).

Having a Kanban view like this for fine tuning activity makes me want to plan a project this way even more - just need to convince everyone else now 🤣

Nriver commented 7 months ago

It's looks great now. I see you added samples and make the reordering working. Nice work!