zadorlab / KinBot

Automated reaction pathway search for gas-phase molecules
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/bin/sh: g16: command not found #61

Closed dingweilu closed 7 months ago

dingweilu commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone, when I run the case in /examples/gvl_reactions, it returns error in "/bin/sh: g16: command not found", in our own computational environment, it provides a *.pbs template like following:

! /bin/sh -x

PBS -N uv_azo_trans_im_co2

PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=52

PBS -q batch

PBS -j oe

Modify the Gaussian gjf file name here!



export GAUSS_SCRDIR=/tmp export g09root=/opt/gaussian

. $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile


JOBNAME=basename "$GJF" .gjf $g09root/g09/g09 < $GJF > "$JOBNAME.log"

I'm confused how to built the g09root in *.json?

juditzador commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for the question. Gaussian is called via ASE in KinBot, and the default version for the Gaussian calculator is g16: So first, you need to add "qc_command": "g09" (if indeed g09 is the command that leads to your Gaussian on your system).

I am also not sure what you mean by "in our own computational environment, it provides a *.pbs template like following". What is "it"? KinBot? This doesn't seem like our template. I also don't understand the line "Modify the Gaussian gjf file name here!" Is it in the file?

Even more, I am confused as to why there is any reference to Gaussian in this template. The jobs that KinBot submits are python calculations, which then internally, via ASE, call Gaussian. Maybe try running the example using the default (built-in) pbs template, and if that doesn't work because of specific settings you need, modify it. Here is more info:

Let me know if you run into further issues.