zaf / asterisk-speech-recog

Speech recognition script for Asterisk that uses google's speech engine.
GNU General Public License v2.0
249 stars 132 forks source link

Problems whit google API credencials #35

Closed TheMasterRoot closed 6 years ago

TheMasterRoot commented 7 years ago

Hello im using your agi into my asterisk but im getting a error on apikey i generated it on my google developer panel but it says that i dont have permission to use that key please could you help me to generate a valid one?

inaciose commented 7 years ago

Same here

velegip commented 7 years ago

+1 @zaf

zaf commented 7 years ago

I can't really replicate this issue, as far as the API is concerned the scripts are working as supposed to. What is the exact error in this case?

Abe-Telo commented 7 years ago

what happens when u put this in your terminal console? curl API_Key_Here -X POST -d '{}'