zaf / asterisk-speech-recog

Speech recognition script for Asterisk that uses google's speech engine.
GNU General Public License v2.0
249 stars 132 forks source link

Problem when using $abs_timeout or [rtimeout] #51

Open lbtn opened 6 years ago

lbtn commented 6 years ago

Great tool! But I´m with some trouble...

If I call 1234 without any timeout set, it works just great (so I need to push '#' after saying something):

Executing [1234@interno:2] **AGI("SIP/1004-000000ef", "speech-recog.agi,pt-BR")** in new stack
Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/speech-recog.agi
<SIP/1004-000000ef>AGI Script speech-recog.agi completed, returning 0
 Executing [1234@interno:3] Verbose("SIP/1004-000000ef", "1,**The text you just said is: Oi**") in new stack
 The text you just said is: Oi

If I use a timeout (silence or absolute), it really cuts the recognition in the right time, but it does not recognize anything.

Executing [1234@interno:2] **AGI("SIP/1004-000000ec", "speech-recog.agi,pt-BR,3,,,3")** in new stack
Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/speech-recog.agi
<SIP/1004-000000ec>AGI Script speech-recog.agi completed, returning 0
Executing [1234@interno:3] Verbose("SIP/1004-000000ec", "1,**The text you just said is: "**) in new stack
 The text you just said is:

I´m doing something wrong? My goal is to ask something short and wait only 3 seconds for the answer, without any dtmf iteration.

Thank you guys.

Edit: This guy have the same problem on this forum:

vaijoe commented 5 years ago

Yes it's a great tool. I have the same problem, only work by default if change timeout or absolute don't working

Best regards.

ajeyaraj03 commented 4 years ago

works fine and but timeout cuts the speech recognition complete speech is not coming

ajeyaraj03 commented 4 years ago

please check