zagortenay333 / conky_themes

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Temperature error #31

Closed Taur10 closed 7 years ago

Taur10 commented 7 years ago

This just started yesterday I think, definitely not long ago, most certainly I noticed it yesterday.


I've checked the obvious variables, made sure they were accurate, and they are, so I'm a little flummoxed as to where to look for the problem.

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

Any errors in the terminal on conky startup?

Also, show me the content of the files ~/.cache/weather.json and ~/.cache/forecast.json.

Shadow12347 commented 7 years ago

I am getting the same error. When I cat those two files, it does show the abnormally high temperatures in both. But the location was set correctly, it shows the city name properly when I cat the caches.

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

Show me the output of cat...

Shadow12347 commented 7 years ago

I intentionally did not post the output because I would rather not broadcast my location to world lol... What are the fields you are looking for? I can just post those.

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

Well just delete the name of the city from those files. :smile:

Shadow12347 commented 7 years ago

weather.json: {"coord":{"lon":xxx,"lat":xxx},"weather":[{"id":xxx,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":289.595,"pressure":1005.96,"humidity":28,"temp_min":289.595,"temp_max":289.595,"sea_level":xxxx,"grnd_level":xxxxx},"wind":{"speed":1.85,"deg":37.5026},"clouds":{"all":0},"dt":1485797430,"sys":{"message":0.1679,"country":"US","sunrise":1485787699,"sunset":1485825695},"id":xxxxxx,"name":"xxxxx","cod":xxx}

forecast.json: {"city":{"id":xxxxxx,"name":"xxxxx","coord":{"lon":xxxxx,"lat":xxxxx},"country":"US","population":0},"cod":"xxx","message":0.2871,"cnt":5,"list":[{"dt":1485806400,"temp":{"day":301.01,"min":276.69,"max":301.01,"night":276.69,"eve":285.5,"morn":286.95},"pressure":968.56,"humidity":31,"weather":[{"id":xxx,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"speed":1.31,"deg":39,"clouds":0},{"dt":1485892800,"temp":{"day":294.45,"min":276.15,"max":294.45,"night":276.15,"eve":282.73,"morn":276.41},"pressure":966.51,"humidity":32,"weather":[{"id":xxx,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"speed":1.06,"deg":188,"clouds":0},{"dt":1485979200,"temp":{"day":287.52,"min":275.69,"max":291.6,"night":279.51,"eve":291.6,"morn":275.69},"pressure":980.2,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":xxx,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"speed":1.42,"deg":55,"clouds":0},{"dt":1486065600,"temp":{"day":287.73,"min":278.15,"max":290.27,"night":280.33,"eve":290.27,"morn":278.15},"pressure":978.93,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":xxx,"main":"Clouds","description":"scattered clouds","icon":"03d"}],"speed":1.13,"deg":101,"clouds":41},{"dt":1486152000,"temp":{"day":284.64,"min":279.46,"max":287.35,"night":279.95,"eve":287.35,"morn":279.46},"pressure":977.66,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":xxx,"main":"Rain","description":"moderate rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":0.86,"deg":95,"clouds":54,"rain":3.31}]}

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

Does the terminal output any errors?

Shadow12347 commented 7 years ago

No none:

conky: desktop window (20001b) is subwindow of root window (273) conky: window type - normal conky: drawing to created window (0x1a00001) conky: drawing to double buffer conky: forked to background, pid is 23677

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

Ah, did you change the units to default by any chance. If so, you are getting the temp in kelvin. :smile: Change it back to metric or imperial.

Shadow12347 commented 7 years ago

Haha that's funny! I did actually change it to default, but the reason I changed it to default was because on imperial it was doing the same thing, and I was wondering if it would change anything, but it didn't. But switching back to imperial left me with the same results, it is still displaying in Kelvin.

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

You might need to kill conky and start again a couple times to make it update the cache files. Or delete the cache files.

Imperial=fahrenheit metric=celsius default=kelvin

Shadow12347 commented 7 years ago

Okay, that's weird, yeah it ended up working now! Before I changed it to default, I had it on imperial and it was displaying Kelvin, but after changing it back to imperial a second time, it updated and got the correct units. Thanks!

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago
