zagortenay333 / conky_themes

A small collection of conky configs
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.conkyrc's won't load with Conky 1.10.x #36

Closed Vistaus closed 7 years ago

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

So I've compiled Conky 1.10.x from Git Master, then cloned your Git repo and followed all of the steps but the widgets just won't load. All it says in the terminal is:

date: invalid date ‘@null’
date: invalid date ‘@null’
[17:55:14] vistaus@vistaus-solus /home/vistaus/Downloads (0)

OS: Solus DE: Budgie 10.3 (latest)

How to solve this?

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

What does jq -r .sys.sunrise ~/.cache/weather.json say? Run it in a terminal.

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

It says 'null' :/

[21:03:26] vistaus@vistaus-solus /home/vistaus/Downloads (0) 
> jq -r .sys.sunrise ~/.cache/weather.json
[21:03:56] vistaus@vistaus-solus /home/vistaus/Downloads (0) 
zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

What's inside the ~/.cache/weather.json ?

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

This is what's inside:

{"coord":{"lon":5.21,"lat":52.37},"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":20.68,"pressure":1024,"humidity":46,"temp_min":17,"temp_max":24},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":4.1,"deg":250},"clouds":{"all":0},"dt":1494959100,"sys":{"type":1,"id":5204,"message":0.0163,"country":"NL","sunrise":1494906053,"sunset":1494963073},"id":2759879,"name":"Almere Stad","cod":200}

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

Hmm, somehow the date error disappeared but it still can't find any images, or so it says:

[21:12:47] vistaus@vistaus-solus /home/vistaus/Downloads (0) 
> conky
conky: desktop window (2600011) is subwindow of root window (d5)
conky: window type - normal
conky: drawing to created window (0x4000001)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: Unknown setting 'imlib_cache_size'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: unknown variable '$image'
conky: forked to background, pid is 8710
[21:13:29] vistaus@vistaus-solus /home/vistaus/Downloads (0) 
zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

The first problem maybe had to do with the fact that the weather file wasn't yet loaded.

To solve the other problem, try installing conky-all.

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

There's no package conky-all in Solus.

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

Hmm, no clue then. What kinds of packages are there? Usually this one solved that way. #21

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

The only package in Solus is 'conky':

Besides, I've compiled 1.10 from Git Master, doesn't that include 'all' already? (I've been using Linux for years now but I'm fairly new to Conky so correct me if I'm wrong)

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

I've no clue. Maybe it needs to be compiled with some flags that enable all the features. The conky that you have right now doesn't recognize the variable $image which it should.

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

You're right! Turns out I needed to build Conky with IMLIB2 support ON. Now it looks a lot better, although I still have a strange, thick black border around Conky:

screenshot from 2017-05-16 21 32 10

Do you know how to solve that?

zagortenay333 commented 7 years ago

You have also the issue that conky is completely out of alignment :rofl: Conky is a mess, it was never designed for what I'm doing with it..

See #1 and #3. Gonna close this now.

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

I thought I read that was fixed in Conky 1.10.x That's why I went for 1.10.x rather than 1.9 from the Solus repos. Thanks anyway for all of your help, I'll try the suggestions from #1 and #3.

Vistaus commented 7 years ago

Using feh didn't solve it. Changing the voffset doesn't seem to have any effect either. Man, this sucks 😞

Edit: wait a sec, I found the solution!!! Disabling double buffer removed the black border. Although it does display a slight transparent border but on a light background it's not all that noticeable so I can live with that.

BeforeFlight commented 6 years ago

date: invalid date ‘@null’ date: invalid date ‘@null’

Had same error till now. And it seems like just waiting for couple of minutes fix problem..