zahir-core / grest-cli

The command line interface for scaffolding GREST project or extension by generating the basic code. The CLI provides the fastest way to get started with a GREST project that adheres to best practices.
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Grest FMT Replacing CRLF to LF (Windows) #1

Closed MaulanaR closed 2 years ago

MaulanaR commented 2 years ago

Step - step reproduce issue:

  1. Buka Code editor (ex: vscode / goland)
  2. Line-breaks File CRLF (sebelum menjalankan grest fmt) gambar
  3. Jalankan command grest fmt
  4. Line-breaks File LF (Setelah menjalankan grest fmt) gambar

Efek yang ditimbulkan :

  1. Source Control Git terlist banyak file, tetapi setelah dilihat hanya ada perubahan line-breaks (padahal tidak ada perubahan terkait logic/ code). gambar
zuamsyah commented 2 years ago

Issuenya sama dengan yg di issuenya -> alternatifnya bisa setting di text editornya