zaidalyafeai / ml-projects

Implementation of web friendly ML models using TensorFlow.js. pix2pix, face segmentation, fast style transfer and many more ...
MIT License
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hi ,how do i run the code.i just open index.html and it didn't load successful #2

Open jackylee1 opened 5 years ago

jackylee1 commented 5 years ago

hi ,how do i run the code.i just open index.html and it didn't load successful

zaidalyafeai commented 5 years ago

@jackylee1, which demo ?

jackylee1 commented 5 years ago


zaidalyafeai commented 5 years ago

@jackylee1, does this link work for you ?

BDBalakrishnan commented 5 years ago

I got success in the code of sketcher in colab. But while designing the browser interface iam not getting proper output. Please share the code for it.

zaidalyafeai commented 5 years ago


BDBalakrishnan commented 5 years ago

Please give me guide to run.

zaidalyafeai commented 5 years ago

Create a local server in your machine and copy the foulder to it run index.html

growvv commented 5 years ago

I have the same trouble, what does it mean to create a local service?

zjm008 commented 5 years ago

I have the same trouble, what does it mean to create a local service? run with http-server