zainatour / toyProblems

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add palindromeChecker problem #3

Closed nsluss closed 9 years ago

nsluss commented 9 years ago

Added sumOfSquares problem, recommend merging this request ASAP for maximal optimization of learning efficiency. :+1:

jbobron commented 9 years ago

Why has this not been merged yet? its ridiculous.

pravipati commented 9 years ago

this should be merged. :+1:

atj1979 commented 9 years ago

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who merge pull requests and those who pick their nose on public transit during rush hour.

michelletrame commented 9 years ago

i'd hella merge dat shit.

cjnething commented 9 years ago

We're all waiting for this to get merged. If this isn't merged, Xander will cry.

sdwebster commented 9 years ago

Nil: merge! Noah has "ah-ha" one, Gremlin!

sunny-g commented 9 years ago

These two problems will single-handedly prepare you for a job at Google. Just saying.

ruanp commented 9 years ago

How many geniuses does it take to get a simple, critical pull request merged? What's the hold up here?