zaiste / .doom.d

Private Doom Emacs Configuration
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Not an issue, but a question #6

Open OrionRandD opened 4 months ago

OrionRandD commented 4 months ago

Hi, I remember that in the beginning of your doomcasts you used to use light themes, instead of dark themes. I enjoyed that a lot... This article can be of interest to you... It is a fresh article about the Dark Theme lobby...

Thx for your hardwork on doom-Emacs

zaiste commented 4 months ago

@OrionRandD Great article! I totally agree. And this "lobby" is at times too vocal indeed... Thanks for sending the article in!

OrionRandD commented 4 months ago

@OrionRandD Great article! I totally agree. And this "lobby" is at times too vocal indeed... Thanks for sending the article in!

Yeah! The guy is in Mastodon, if you happen to discuss the theme there... I am following him... I have tootle here in my debian as a Mastodon client...