zaiste / vimified

Yet another Vim configuration
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Doesn't Work Quite Well on Mac Mountain Lion #52

Closed topriddy closed 11 years ago

topriddy commented 11 years ago

Tried Installing vimified following the "lazy-man" installation instructions...and encountered an error with installing vim-slim. It requested i put in my github password and failed either way (with/without) but still ended up completing the vimified installation.

On opening vim though, the editor turned out really weird. And looked outrageous and unusable.

A url to the image screenshot is here:

zaiste commented 11 years ago

You must set your terminal to use 256 colors. Go to Preferences and choose xterm-256colors (I encourage you to switch to iTerm2). Once you adjust your colors, you will have to fix your fonts by following the instructions on vim-powerline.

Feel free to ask if you have other issues.

topriddy commented 11 years ago

I have done the following, switched to 256 colors on Mac Terminal. It wasn't obvious how to do same on iTerm2 (i installed this on your recommendation). I was able to download and install a font from Powerline => Monaco-Powerline. It wasn't clear how to fix fonts from the powerline wiki page here: What I was able to do was just set font.

The instructions on Powerline Wiki for this looks very unclear and a lot of trouble.

I understand this might not be your problem....just thought I could share in hope of getting a solution.

Thanks again.

zaiste commented 11 years ago

Yes, there are some quirks with both those steps. We should definitely update the README. Let me know if you have a specific question, I'll help you.

AdrienGiboire commented 11 years ago

Well, I didn't go through those issues but I will think about how to redo the lazy install script and ensure user met the requirements according to the default bundles. Sorry for the inconvenience ):

AdrienGiboire commented 11 years ago

First, the vim-slim moved from to so the BundleInstall command could not figured out how to handle it. And when vundle doesn't succeed to install a bundle, it just go to the next one and so on. So, for this one, I'm sorry but I don't know how I can handle it.

I will investigate to find a way to know if user meets screen settings requirements.

Anyway, nothing is wrong with the install script.

AdrienGiboire commented 11 years ago

According to the exchange on superuser, I could use tput to know if term supports 256 colors but when I use it on iTerm2 it displays 8 when iTem2 supports 256 colors.

I could be nothing. I just could tell people to make sure their term supports 256 colors before continuing but the fact is tput colors can displays 256 in even if does not support 256 colors. In this case, I have no way to avoid crash to happen.

It seems that tput relies on TERM which can be either xterm, xterm-color or xterm-256color and determines the colors support from this.

The problem is the infos are not reliable. So, as much as it really bother me, I have no choice to keep letting it crash as part of the user experience 'til I figure a way how to handle it. That might never happen…

As @zaiste said, we will update docs as much as we can.

Worth to be closed.

zaiste commented 11 years ago
