zaizi / apache-stanbol-client

Apache Stanbol Java REST Client
Apache License 2.0
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apache-stanbol 0.12 (release) BUILD FAILURE: integration-tests failed #8

Closed armeljanz closed 9 years ago

armeljanz commented 9 years ago


I am trying to install apache-stanbol 0.12 which contain contenthub I have used : 1- 2- 3- (using svn co ...) after readind this issue

For each tentative, i always delete the .m2 directory before starting the installation

For all the three tentatives, i always get the same error at the end: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project org.apache.stanbol.integration-tests: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.stanbol:org.apache.stanbol.integration-tests:jar:0.12.1-SNAPSHOT (or 0.12.0): Failure to find org.apache.stanbol:org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full:jar:0.12.1-SNAPSHOT in

I don't find the jarfile in the .m2 directory nor in the stanbol directory org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full-0.12.1-SNAPSHOT.jar (0.12.0.jar)

I think the error which cause integration-tests failed is the following: [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default-cli) @ org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full --- [INFO] Executing tasks

main: [java] Error: Unable to access jarfile stanbol\launchers\full\target\org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full-0.12.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [java] Java Result: 1

Here is the Stacktrace from the maven build process.

Kind regards, Armel

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Apache Stanbol Launchers Full Launcher 0.12.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default-cli) @ org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full --- [INFO] Executing tasks

main: [java] Error: Unable to access jarfile stanbol\launchers\full\target\org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full-0.12.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [java] Java Result: 1 [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Apache Stanbol Launchers Full Launcher as WAR 0.12.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default-cli) @ org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full-war --- [INFO] No ant target defined - SKIPPED [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Apache Stanbol Launchers Stable Launcher 0.12.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default-cli) @ org.apache.stanbol.launchers.stable --- [INFO] No ant target defined - SKIPPED [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Apache Stanbol Statefull Webmodule Archetype 0.12.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default-cli) @ statefull-webmodule-archetype --- [INFO] No ant target defined - SKIPPED [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Apache Stanbol Stateles Webmodule Archetype 0.12.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default-cli) @ stateless-webmodule-archetype --- [INFO] No ant target defined - SKIPPED [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Apache Stanbol Enhancer Engine Archetype 0.12.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default-cli) @ enhancer-engine-archetype --- [INFO] No ant target defined - SKIPPED [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Apache Stanbol Integration Tests 0.12.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] Marmotta Kiwi Repository Service ................... SUCCESS [ 0.862 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Tika Bundle ................. SUCCESS [ 1.752 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Jobs API .................... SUCCESS [ 0.062 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Jobs Web .................... SUCCESS [ 0.622 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Jobs Reactor ................ SUCCESS [ 0.127 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons OpenNLP Utilities and Models SUCCESS [ 0.376 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons OWL Bundle .................. SUCCESS [ 1.604 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Indexed Clerezza inMemory graph implementation SUCCESS [ 0.038 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons JSON-LD API ................. SUCCESS [ 0.019 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Launchpad ................... SUCCESS [ 0.080 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Security Core ............... SUCCESS [ 0.410 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Basic Authenticator ......... SUCCESS [ 0.125 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Felix Webconsole Security Provider SUCCESS [ 0.083 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons User Management ............. SUCCESS [ 0.352 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons CAS Light ................... SUCCESS [ 0.223 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Testing Jar Executor ........ SUCCESS [ 0.017 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Testing HTTP Testing Library SUCCESS [ 0.029 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons Testing Stanbol Utilities ... SUCCESS [ 0.146 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Commons ............................. SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Generic Service API ....... SUCCESS [ 0.019 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Generic Test Framework .... SUCCESS [ 0.269 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Generic Core .............. SUCCESS [ 0.317 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Model Clerezza ............ SUCCESS [ 0.096 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Model Sesame .............. SUCCESS [ 0.084 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Query SPARQL .............. SUCCESS [ 0.203 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Query SPARQL .............. SUCCESS [ 0.292 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Site Linked Data Protocol . SUCCESS [ 0.180 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Managed Site .............. SUCCESS [ 0.032 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Yard based on Clerezza .... SUCCESS [ 0.161 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Yard based on Solr ........ SUCCESS [ 1.070 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Yard based on Sesame Sail . SUCCESS [ 0.295 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub LDPath Support ............ SUCCESS [ 0.431 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Web Jersey HTTP Endpoint .. SUCCESS [ 0.414 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing .................. SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing Core ............. SUCCESS [ 0.243 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing Source for Jena TDB SUCCESS [ 0.362 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing Source for vCard . SUCCESS [ 0.398 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing Destination SolrYard SUCCESS [ 0.320 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing Generic RDF ...... SUCCESS [ 0.465 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing for . SUCCESS [ 0.205 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing for .. SUCCESS [ 0.474 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing for dblp ......... SUCCESS [ 0.254 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Indexing for . SUCCESS [ 0.461 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Entityhub Default Configuration ..... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager : Services API ..... SUCCESS [ 0.418 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager : Input Sources (Clerezza-based) SUCCESS [ 0.254 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager : Input Sources (OWL API-based) SUCCESS [ 0.106 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager : Core ............. SUCCESS [ 0.195 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager : Network Multiplexer (Clerezza implementation) SUCCESS [ 0.279 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager : Registry Manager . SUCCESS [ 0.185 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager : Web .............. SUCCESS [ 0.449 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager Reactor ............ SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Services API .................. SUCCESS [ 0.098 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Manager ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.264 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Abstract Adapter .............. SUCCESS [ 0.196 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Jena Adapter .................. SUCCESS [ 0.292 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules SPARQL Adapter ................ SUCCESS [ 0.130 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Clerezza Adapter .............. SUCCESS [ 0.146 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules SWRL Adapter .................. SUCCESS [ 0.123 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Adapter Reactor ............... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Refactorer .................... SUCCESS [ 0.264 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Web ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.195 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Rules Reactor ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Services API ............... SUCCESS [ 0.038 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Core ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.178 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Test framework ............. SUCCESS [ 0.127 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer RDF entities ............... SUCCESS [ 0.105 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer NLP ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.062 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer NLP JSON serialization support SUCCESS [ 0.162 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Weighted Job Manager ....... SUCCESS [ 0.188 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Event Jobmanager ........... SUCCESS [ 0.037 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer JobManager Reactor ......... SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Chain: DefaultChain ........ SUCCESS [ 0.040 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Chain: GraphChain .......... SUCCESS [ 0.087 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Chain: Weighted ............ SUCCESS [ 0.046 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Chain: List ................ SUCCESS [ 0.047 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Web (Jersey) ............... SUCCESS [ 0.206 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer LDPath ..................... SUCCESS [ 0.139 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Benchmark .................. SUCCESS [ 0.102 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Defaults Configuration ..... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Service API .............. SUCCESS [ 0.069 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Solr Store ............... SUCCESS [ 0.352 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Clerezza Store ........... SUCCESS [ 1.242 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub InMemory Store ........... SUCCESS [ 0.117 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Store Reactor ............ SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Search Solr Searcher ..... SUCCESS [ 0.317 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Search Related Keyword Searcher SUCCESS [ 0.436 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Featured Search .......... SUCCESS [ 0.144 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Search Reactor ........... SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Web ...................... SUCCESS [ 1.416 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Contenthub Clerezza LDPath Backend .. SUCCESS [ 0.297 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engines ................. SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Tika ........... SUCCESS [ 0.175 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : HTML Extractor . SUCCESS [ 0.171 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : XMP Extractor .. SUCCESS [ 0.082 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Refactor Engine SUCCESS [ 0.256 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Language Detection SUCCESS [ 0.350 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Language Identifier SUCCESS [ 0.042 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : OpenNLP ........ SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : OpenNLP Sentence Detection SUCCESS [ 0.130 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : OpenNLP Tokenizer SUCCESS [ 0.049 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : OpenNLP POS Tagging SUCCESS [ 0.045 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : OpenNLP NER .... SUCCESS [ 0.075 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : OpenNLP Chunker SUCCESS [ 0.045 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : POS tag based Chunker SUCCESS [ 0.034 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Smart Chinese Tokenizer SUCCESS [ 0.292 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : NLP to RDF converter SUCCESS [ 0.130 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Kuromoji NLP ... SUCCESS [ 0.135 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : RESTful NLP processing SUCCESS [ 0.132 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : RESTful Language Identification SUCCESS [ 0.042 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Linking . SUCCESS [ 0.008 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Linking Engine SUCCESS [ 0.058 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Linking LabelTokenizer : Lucene SUCCESS [ 0.488 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Linking LabelTokenizer : OpenNLP SUCCESS [ 0.058 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Linking LabelTokenizer : Smart Chinese SUCCESS [ 0.199 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Linking LabelTokenizer : Kuromoji Japanese SUCCESS [ 0.153 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entityhub Linking SUCCESS [ 0.110 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Tagging . SUCCESS [ 0.338 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Lucene FST Entity Linking SUCCESS [ 0.204 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Keyword Extraction SUCCESS [ 0.077 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Topic Classification (API) SUCCESS [ 0.028 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Topic Classification SUCCESS [ 2.557 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Topic Classification : Web API SUCCESS [ 0.310 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Sentiment Word Classifier SUCCESS [ 0.058 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Sentiment Summarization SUCCESS [ 0.044 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Enhancement Engine : Disambiguation using Solr MLT SUCCESS [ 0.045 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : UIMA ........... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : UIMA Remote Client SUCCESS [ 0.122 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : UIMA To Triples SUCCESS [ 0.040 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : UIMA Local Client SUCCESS [ 0.498 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Dereference Core SUCCESS [ 0.073 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entityhub Dereference SUCCESS [ 0.201 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : TextAnnotation new Model Conterter SUCCESS [ 0.064 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Entity Co-Mention SUCCESS [ 0.051 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : CELI Engine .... SUCCESS [ 0.116 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : DBPedia Spotlight SUCCESS [ 0.045 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Geonames Linking SUCCESS [ 0.041 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : OpenCalais ..... SUCCESS [ 0.063 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Zemanta ........ SUCCESS [ 0.050 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol CMS Adapter Parent .................. SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol CMS Adapter Service API ............. SUCCESS [ 0.031 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol CMS Adapter Core .................... SUCCESS [ 0.234 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol CMS Adapter JCR ..................... SUCCESS [ 0.387 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol CMS Adapter CMIS Bundle ............. SUCCESS [ 0.770 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol CMS Adapter Web ..................... SUCCESS [ 0.127 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol CMS Adapter Reactor ................. SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Reasoners ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Reasoners Services API .............. SUCCESS [ 0.024 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Reasoners Service Manager ........... SUCCESS [ 0.079 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Reasoners OWL API ................... SUCCESS [ 0.311 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Reasoners Jena ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.028 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Reasoners Test Framework ............ SUCCESS [ 0.219 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Reasoners Web ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.449 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Demos Enhancer VIE UI ............... SUCCESS [ 0.070 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelists ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for the OSGi Framework ... SUCCESS [ 1.127 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Commons Libraries .... SUCCESS [ 3.896 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Default Data ......... SUCCESS [ 0.064 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for OpenNLP Models ....... SUCCESS [ 0.272 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Sentiment Data ....... SUCCESS [ 0.057 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Enhancer ............. SUCCESS [ 1.692 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Entityhub ............ SUCCESS [ 0.660 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for CMS Adapter .......... SUCCESS [ 0.558 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Contenthub ........... SUCCESS [ 0.562 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Ontology Manager ..... SUCCESS [ 0.455 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Reasoners ............ SUCCESS [ 0.445 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Rules ................ SUCCESS [ 0.510 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Marmotta KiWi Repository Bundles .... SUCCESS [ 1.809 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Security ............. SUCCESS [ 0.369 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for the Clerezza Shell ... SUCCESS [ 0.955 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Language Support: Smart Chinese SUCCESS [ 0.505 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Bundlelist for Language Support: Kuromoji Japanese SUCCESS [ 0.274 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Launchers Full Launcher ............. SUCCESS [ 3.174 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Launchers Full Launcher as WAR ...... SUCCESS [ 0.221 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Launchers Stable Launcher ........... SUCCESS [ 0.156 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Statefull Webmodule Archetype ....... SUCCESS [ 0.161 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Stateles Webmodule Archetype ........ SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Enhancer Engine Archetype ........... SUCCESS [ 0.014 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Integration Tests ................... FAILURE [ 0.312 s] [INFO] Apache Stanbol Reactor ............................. SKIPPED [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 01:06 min [INFO] Finished at: 2015-06-24T07:46:46+01:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 155M/368M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project org.apache.stanbol.integration-tests: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.stanbol:org.apache.stanbol.integration-tests:jar:0.12.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find org.apache.stanbol:org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full:jar:0.12.1-SNAPSHOT in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempte d until the update interval of apache.snapshots has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command [ERROR] mvn -rf :org.apache.stanbol.integration-tests

dileepajayakody commented 9 years ago

Hi, Are you still getting this error? This build error is no longer there in Let me know if you get trouble building from the release branch

Thanks, Dileepa

armeljanz commented 9 years ago

Hi Dileepa,

I finaly use this link to get a version of Stanbol that i use without any problem

Thank Dileepa for your answer

Armel Nzekon

sumantapakira commented 8 years ago

Hi Dileepa,

I'm trying to build using But every time its failing, What is the correct code base?