zakarumych / edict

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NoOpHash could be replaced by nohash_hasher crate #5

Closed akhilman closed 2 years ago

akhilman commented 2 years ago could be replaced by

akhilman commented 2 years ago

Also I would like to make a new crate for TypeIdSet like collection and use it in my code.

zakarumych commented 2 years ago

nohash_hasher::NoHashHasher<TypeId> does not implement Hasher 🤷

zakarumych commented 2 years ago

In general you are free to take any code from my public repositories and make a crate from it. As for TypeIdSet in particular, I was considering make a microcrate for it myself :)

akhilman commented 2 years ago

My bad. I would like to have something like HashModuloSet<T: Hash + Eq, S = RandomState> and HashModuloMap<K: Hash + Eq, V, S = RandomState>.

I will open new issue if/when I'll make this microcrate.