zakird / pyad

Python Active Directory Tools | *Not actively maintained*
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Unable to query multiple LDAP servers #137

Open derrickberg-dev opened 3 years ago

derrickberg-dev commented 3 years ago

My machine is in example1 and im trying to get info about machines that are on other LDAP servers. I can do it exactly like this with a powershell script but doesn't seem to using pyad. No results are found from other LDAP servers. I've tried doing it manually like adcomputer.ADComputer.from_cn("example2pc", options=dict(ldap_server="example2")) but still doesn't find the machine.

When I use the activedirectory module in powershell, I can run the command ... Get-ADComputer -Server example2 -Identity example2pc -Properties *
... successfully and information in retrieved.

Any idea whats wrong?

ADServers = ['example1','example2','example3,'example4','example5','example6']

for svr in ADServers:
        computerobj = adcomputer.ADComputer.from_cn("example2pc", options=dict(ldap_server=svr))
        computerattribs = {'OperatingSystem':'', 'OperatingSystemVersion':'', 'distinguishedName':''}
        attribslist = ['OperatingSystem', 'OperatingSystemVersion', 'distinguishedName']
        for attr in attribslist:
            computerattribs[attr] = str(computerobj.get_attribute(attr))[2:-2]
    except Exception as E: