zakjan / cert-chain-resolver

SSL certificate chain resolver
MIT License
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Support PKCS #7 certificates #13

Closed marcelomd closed 8 years ago

marcelomd commented 8 years ago


We're having an issue using cert-chain-resolver with a Letsencrypt certificate.

mallmann:cert-chain-resolver> ./cert-chain-resolver cert.crt
Invalid certificate.

Looking into is, it appears that this certificate points to two parents: and

The error happens when we try to parse the second one.

In the file ./src/, inside func DecodeCertificate, the call to x509.ParseCertificate(data) returns the following error:

asn1: structure error: tags don't match (16 vs {class:0 tag:6 length:9 isCompound:false}) {optional:false explicit:false application:false defaultValue:<nil> tag:<nil> stringType:0 timeType:0 set:false omitEmpty:false} tbsCertificate @2

Looks like the certificate from identrust is in DER form. What is the best way to handle this?

If there is anything we can do, we'll be glad to develop and post a PR. We just need a few pointers =)


zakjan commented 8 years ago


Thanks for reporting this issue! Note the line if IsPEM(data) {, the DER format is already supported. This certificate is in another PKCS #7 format.

I guess we can use this library I will be happy to accept a PR:)

marcelomd commented 8 years ago


PEM vs DER: I'm a n00b. Now I get the differences between formats and encodings =)

I made a quick fix for our use here. In case of parsing error we retry using fullsailors's pkcs7. Works nicely, but I'm not sure it's the best approach. I'll submit the PR and we can discuss there, ok?

zakjan commented 8 years ago

Ok :) I'll keep this issue opened.

zakjan commented 8 years ago

Merged in #15