CocoaSplit (Version 1.0 (cb4a07d) ) streams just fine, but crashes almost always shortly after clicking the stop-button.
I use Desktop as video input type, and the AppleVTCompressor as compressor.
Audio is handled by Jack, 196 kbps, 48 kHz sampling, no shift.
Crash happens for streaming to file as well as streaming to twitch.
CocoaSplit (Version 1.0 (cb4a07d) ) streams just fine, but crashes almost always shortly after clicking the stop-button.
I use Desktop as video input type, and the AppleVTCompressor as compressor. Audio is handled by Jack, 196 kbps, 48 kHz sampling, no shift. Crash happens for streaming to file as well as streaming to twitch.
Log is up on pastebin:
Let me know if you need to know anything else.