zakkinsey / pdfa-test-4

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PDFUA-180: List with semantic images as bullets appropriately tagged #180

Open zakkinsey opened 5 years ago

zakkinsey commented 5 years ago

Jira issue originally created by user @pkopicar:

The objective of this technique is to show how to tag a list when graphical elements with a clear semantic role are used as labels for the list items.

In this example, each Lbl tag contains a Figure tag which then contains the appropriate graphic.  Each Figure tag includes Alternative text, in this case "broccoli" or "tomato" as appropriate. 

zakkinsey commented 2 years ago

Comment created by @PaulRayius:

This isn't really an "atomic" example because it not only has "semantic graphics" as labels but also has a caption.  Perhaps we should pull the "caption text" out and tag it as a P above the list, to isolate the list? (And then have a different example for captions?) Or maybe we should remove the "caption text" so we're just dealing with the list? 

zakkinsey commented 2 years ago

Comment created by @MarkusErle:

I would recommend to change the caption to an H1 (or a P). I have uploaded a new example file.

zakkinsey commented 2 years ago

Comment created by @BPeboeck:

remove the H1 from the document

zakkinsey commented 2 years ago

Comment created by @PaulRayius:

Checked/ fixed headings, etc., in "Test" section.

zakkinsey commented 2 years ago

Comment created by @unknown-jira-user-3:

Heading "Vegetables Servings" should be in the example, "P"-Tag is fine!

zakkinsey commented 1 year ago

Comment created by @unknown-jira-user-6:

Added links to the glossary for "graphics objects"