zakski / accrete-starform-stargen

An attempt to reconcile all available versions of the Accrete/Starform/Stargen solar system generator.
Apache License 2.0
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Choinski Source Missing? #4

Open zakski opened 1 year ago

zakski commented 1 year ago

@burton-choinski!topic/ thoughts?

gabrielvelasquez commented 1 year ago

Hello, I got this message because I follow your project. But it looks like the groups topic was posted 23 years ago? I don't meet your requirements to compile your code. Do you have a compiled copy that will run on Windows 7?

My interest is in the improvement of Stargen for more scientifically accurate random solar systems. Stargen II for example, has added AlkaliGasPlanet, AmmoniaGasPlanet, BrownDwarfPlanet, CarbonGasPlanet, CloudlessGasPlanet, GasDwarfPlanet, (JovianPlanet), MethaneGasPlanet, SilicateGasPlanet, Sub-JovianPlanet, SulfurGasPlanet, WaterGasPlanet, AsteroidsPlanet, binaryPlanet, CarbonPlanet, CometPlanet, IronPlanet, OilPlanet

If your question relates more to Traveller, then I am very slightly experienced with it using other programs, mainly to generate characters or to explore maps.

zakski commented 1 year ago

But it looks like the groups topic was posted 23 years ago?


zakski commented 1 year ago

@gabrielvelasquez that's mostly because first and foremost, this repo is dedicated to archiving all the pre- git/github variants that were distributed on usenet and otherwise would be lost. That google group topic is a rip of those conversations.

Accuracy, and building models is sort of the far distance objective, after understanding the extant models and their history.

Having bounced off Burrows Code a few times; From you, I would appreciate if you could hand me over your list of complaints about StarGen, I didn't think to pull it from wikipedia before it got removed, but I seem to remember it was close to a hundred of issues, and that would really help.

Also FYI the requirements are more what I have tested against. For the most part, the JVM-based code will compile against any pre JDK 17 JDK and the C code is more at risk of not compiling the more modern a compiler youu have.

gabrielvelasquez commented 1 year ago

Okay if I understand you correctly you are documenting all the changes made between the various versions, one after the other in progression. I wouldn't mind understanding where things are in the modelling code because then I could offer beneficial changes.

The "101 errors of Stargen" as I called it was a trial/error list from Winstargen outputs that I found absurd and inaccurate. I did it because I offered Burrows help on his site page about parameters and classifications, but he refused all of my suggestions because he couldn't see temperature (heat) and precipitation (water) are what form climate classifications, and that was so annoying that he just wouldn't listen and wouldn't fix anything, but yet he has never removed the request for help. I hope that you can excuse that it is written with a lot of bitter derision. One highlight I would hope you notice is the reference to the Trewartha climate classification system. I honestly believe there are far too few classification choices; a barren tidally locked planet is very different from one with an atmosphere, or a breathable atmosphere, or a tidally locked water planet, or a tidally locked Chthonian planet. I know it's a narrow temperature range, but 100% Neon atmospheres show up enough that there should be a Neon Ocean Planet category. Anyway, on and on, here is the file: 101 Errors of Stargen.odt Thanks for the tip on compiling, I had to look up JVM because I haven't done any programming in about 30 years, but it's good to know I should have brushed up on Java as I was leaning towards something more like VisualBasic to run on a Microsoft OS.

I want to add that a long while a go I made a spreadsheet that gave me the latitude for a planet that had ice caps of a given percentage of the area of surface of a planet. I wouldn't suggest that you could have 90 categories of planet types for varying percents of ice cap surface, but it would be nice to see ranges for certain latitudes and the concomitant image.

Ice Cap latitude Percents

This example, for an ice cap that comes down to 46° latitude, might better be labelled a tundra planet or glacier planet...

Global Percent of Surface by Latitude

zakski commented 1 year ago

Ack, thanks for that.

Yeah the eco modelling stuff has never been particularly accurate, even to the original models themselves.

Because Matt Burdick could only partially reproduce Fogg's work, since the way that Fogg determined the atmosphere type is not cleared marked out in his research paper.

Everything is basically compounded on that.

Some versions additionally use a version of planetary modelling software from Torben AE. Mogensen that's still kicking about, but they are in the minority.

At the moment, I'm still going through my list of authors and re-checking what compiles, although I am finally past Burrows original code and moved on to a guy named Amaro.

As such the scala EcoCalc code is pre-burrows while I try to understand how the burrows stuff differs.

gabrielvelasquez commented 6 months ago

46 degrees latitude ice cap example (28.5%)

I'm getting help from Chatgpt to learn Python. I hope to start from scratch with my knowledge of astrophysics and planetology.,the%20night%20side%20(16)