zakuArbor / proxyAuth

An incomplete auto-unlock PAM for GNOME computer using an Android Phone
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Setup CI Pipeline on Github #55

Open zakuArbor opened 3 years ago

zakuArbor commented 3 years ago


Setup a CI pipeline for Github and Jenkins. The goal is to integrate CI DevOps practice both for the project and for personal learning. This is to include code coverage, static analysis, and lint. May setup a zenhub board to better manage issues and explore other devOps tools offered on Github and Jenkins to improve workflow.



To fill out once the issue is to be closed. Give a short summary of the changes you made to implement or fix an issue

zakuArbor commented 2 years ago

Side Notes (for future references)

fuzzer: afl


  1. download tarball
  2. make
  3. sudo make install
  4. create afl_in and afl_out directories
  5. add sample test cases into afl_in


Problem 1:

$ afl-fuzz -i afl_in -o afl_out -- ./fuzzgoat @@
[-] Hmm, your system is configured to send core dump notifications to an
    external utility. This will cause issues: there will be an extended delay
    between stumbling upon a crash and having this information relayed to the
    fuzzer via the standard waitpid() API.

    To avoid having crashes misinterpreted as timeouts, please log in as root
    and temporarily modify /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern, like so:

    echo core >/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern


Problem 2:

[-] Whoops, your system uses on-demand CPU frequency scaling, adjusted
    between 390 and 4003 MHz. Unfortunately, the scaling algorithm in the
    kernel is imperfect and can miss the short-lived processes spawned by
    afl-fuzz. To keep things moving, run these commands as root:

    cd /sys/devices/system/cpu
    echo performance | tee cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

    You can later go back to the original state by replacing 'performance' with
    'ondemand'. If you don't want to change the settings, set AFL_SKIP_CPUFREQ
    to make afl-fuzz skip this check - but expect some performance drop.

Resolution 2: export AFL_SKIP_CPUFREQ=1

consider: Apparently, using asan with fuzzer is not a good idea. So need to disable asan when using fuzzer probably.

Testing Framework:

  1. check

  2. cpputest

also take a look if this would be useful: (pam_wrapper)


Future Reference: